CHAPTER 20: Reception And...Honeymoon?!

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Sebastian's POV:
(Seb's POV is from 'before the wedding started'.)

I was getting impatient, where is she? She was supposed to arrive here two minutes ago...ok, ok, I know I am really punctual about time but who gets late on her wedding day?

The music started playing and all the attention turned towards the bride, my wife to be, Cicilia, who walked hand in hand with my dad gracefully.

Just looking at her, I was spellbound, I was speechless. She looked so innocent, like an angel walking on earth, an angle who was going to be mine forever.

I could feel the tears that started to form in the corner of my eyes but I can't cry, there was paparazzi here so, I quickly blinked them away.

As she reached me, I took her hand and kissed her knuckles softly before making her stand in front of me.

The priest started with his nuisance and I never payed him any attention as I was busy admiring the girl standing in front of me and I loved the affect I had on her, I was able to make her blush.

I made her suffer and I am ready to make it up to her for the rest of my life even though she said that she has forgiven me yet I want to provide her all the happiness and love in the world.

Did I!

Do I love h--

My thoughts were interrupted by that stupid priest who now turned towards Cicilia and asked her, "Do you Cicilia, take Sebastian Arnold to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Her eyes met mine as she said, "I do."

He now turned towards me before asking me the same thing.

"Do you, Sebastian Arnold take Cicilia, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Without any hesitation I said, "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I wasted no time in closing the gap between us and cupping her chin and kissing her softly as the crowd clapped and cheered for us.

"Officially mine", I whispered gently.

"I am all yours", her reply made me happy.

I kissed her forehead before I intertwined our hand and we walked down the path together as the crowd on both the side of us clapped cheerfully.

We had our photoshoot session so we followed the photographers to a huge tree that was decorated beautifully (all my choice) and a bench was under it.

I sat on the bench with Cicilia sitting on my lap as we posed for the pictures.

We even took a photo with Angela in our arms and that was the best photo.

The photo shoot literally went for an hour and I was tired of smiling(I am serious).

The reception was on the same day, in a hall adjacent to the garden.

The guest were already seated there and Cicilia and I made our entry together, hand in hand.

Half an hour later, I was already tired of congratulating all the guests. Why can't they all say,"Congratulations to you both", on a mike, then we would have to say thank you just once but no, everyone had to come seperately and congratulate us.

The music started playing and the couples made their way over to the dance floor.

My dad came to us and said,"Can I steal the bride for a moment?"

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