CHAPTER 26: I love him?

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Cicilia's POV:

A few hours later, my phone's notification went off and I checked it to see a message from an unknown number.

And on opening it, I saw an image.

An image of Seb and a girl who was kissing each other.


No, no, no, this can't be true. But the more I stared at the picture the more clearer it became. It was of Rome only. And Seb was kissing that girl, on her lips.

It was not photoshopped, it looked completely real, real enough to break my heart into millions of pieces.

But why, Seb?

He promised me, he said he would never leave me, that he would always be there with me. And I trusted him, I trusted his words.

He cheated on me.

A sob left my mouth as tears started streaming down my face.
I liked him, I literally liked him, I trusted him, I was happy with him. He was everything I ever wanted, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
Why does everytime I think that things would be good now, a new drama comes up?

Angela, who was playing on the bed, looked at me curiously.
I picked her up and placed her in my lap as I looked at her.

He had a daughter, and he loved her, he really does, then why?

Can't I be happy? Don't I deserve a drama free life? Am I that worthless?

Soon, the sadness in me was replaced as anger started building inside me. He broke his promise and I had to confront him.

I picked up the phone and called him but he never picked up my call. I tried again but then also he didn't pick it up. I forwarded that image to Seb. And I threw the phone on the bed in frustration.

I could do nothing but cry about it.
I cried, for I don't know how many hours.

And then suddenly, my phone rang. The caller ID flashed Seb's name.

I wiped away my tears and picked up the call.

"Where did you get that pic from?", He asked the moment I picked up the call.

"Does that matter?! You broke your promise. You promised me Seb, didn't you?! You said you would never leave me, that you will always be there for me but no, you cheated on me, Seb!", I screamed at him as once again the tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Listen to me, darling--"

"I am not your darling anymore, Seb. I am not yours anymore. I hate you!"

"Will you let me explain?!"

"What would you explain, that that picture is false, that it is photoshopped?!"

"That picture--"

"I don't wanna listen to your false explanations. I hate you! You know what, I regret marrying you. I thought I would be happy...I was happy, Seb. I was happy...I wanted to spend my life with you but you destroyed it!"

"Cicilia! Let me speak atleast!"

"No, I don't wanna listen to you!"

There was a long pause, after which he spoke, "If you don't wanna listen, then don't, fine!"

I flinched at his tone after which the call ended. He was pissed off...but, why should I care?

What should I do now?

Leave his house? But I have no where else to go.

Fine...I am staying here for a few more days!

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