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Cicilia's POV:

We were back home, in Los Angeles. Our so-called honeymoon was over.
Angela was too happy when she saw us.

If you are wondering what happened the next day after that party then...


As I woke up, I felt as if my head was about burst, it was paining so badly.
Seb was not there in the room and I noticed a glass of water and a tablet lying on the nightstand.

I wasn't able to remember anything, I just remember going to the party and then he left me and everything after that seemed blur.

Just then the bathroom's door opened and Seb walked in.

"So, you are awake", he said walking over to me and then he took the tablet that was there on the nightstand and handed it to me.

"Take it, you will feel better", he said and obeying him, I swallowed the tablet along with water.

It was then that I realised that my clothes were changed and it was Seb's t-shirt that I was wearing.

"My clothes? Who changed it?", I asked him.

"You gave me no other option than to change them myself...I told you to change but you said that you wanted me to change it...", he said shrugging.

"What happened yesterday? Did I get drunk?", I questioned him and he nodded.

"And drunk you is so much stubborn", he said shaking his head.

"What did I do?", I asked as panic started rising within me, did I do something stupid?

"Well... firstly you were not ready to leave the party, so, I had to drag you out of there, secondly, you wanted to kiss me and then you asked me to change your dress", he said amusingly and I felt embarrassed as my cheeks turned red and I face palmed myself.

"Shit! I am sorry for the trouble Seb."

"It's completely fine, darling", he chuckled, "I really enjoyed that version of yours."

"Now get freshened up, I have already made breakfast", he said walking out of the room. And I nodded.

End of flashback...

Well...what can I say, I never knew that I would act like that being drunk.

That was our last day there, and we just spent our day on the beach and later went out for dinner. That's it.

Today was Sunday and I was getting bored. Seb is not here, he had some work in office, on Sunday also.

All I could do is play with Angela but she is too busy playing with her toys.

So, I have decided to bake a cake, it's been long since I have baked a cake or something because that apartment didn't have an oven nor I could afford one but here, the kitchen is so amazing, it has everything.

And since, Angela just woke up few minutes ago, so, I have no other option than to bake with her.

I picked her up in my arms while she still had her barbie in her hand and I carried her out of her nursey.
Did I mention that, Seb even got a nursery made for her. It's really simple, elegant yet beautiful.
Though Angela sleeps with us, in our room in her crib but she spends her day in the nursery.

So, back to baking...

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and placed Angela in her baby chair near the counter while I started gathering the ingredients.

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