CHAPTER 11: Monster

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Hey guys, before you start reading, I just wanted to add a picture of a baby girl which I found on Pinterest and I thought that we all can imagine her as Angela.

Hey guys, before you start reading, I just wanted to add a picture of a baby girl which I found on Pinterest and I thought that we all can imagine her as Angela

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Isn't she adorable?😍😍

Cicilia's POV:

Why are Mondays so awful, they are so boring and tiring. Although I have to work from home only but then too...

It was late afternoon when Angela was sleeping in the room after I had fed her.
I got up from the sofa after I finished reviewing a book and stretched my body as I had been sitting there for hours.

"Angel are you--", I said as I went to check her but my words died when I saw that she was not on the bed.

Panic start to rise within me as she can't even crawl. I checked the sides of the bed thinking that she might have fallen down but she wasn't there even.
Tears were on the verge of my eyes as I desperately checked every corner of my house but she was no where.

Where the hell did she go? She can't walk, she can't crawl and she can't vanish into thin air.

In a hurry I might have not noticed the window of my room that was wide open.
And it said only one thing, she was kidnapped!

Everything started looking blur as tears pooled my eyes. And holding my head in my hands, I fell to the ground.
My daughter, my only family was taken away from me.

And then as if like a lightning bolt it struck me, wiping my tears away, I got up and hiring a cab I told the driver my destination.

The cab stopped in front of a tall, flat building maybe it was 60 floor high but I didn't care.

Entering the building I made my way to the reception.

"I want to see, Mr.Arnold", I told the receptionist in a hurry and she eyed me before asking, "Sorry, ma'am but do you have an appointment?"

"To hell with the appointment, just tell him that Cicilia is here!", I growled and she flinched at my words.

She quickly pressed the telephone receiver to her ear before muttering, "Tell Mr.Arnold that a girl called Cicilia is here to meet him." She paused before continuing again, "No, she doesn't have an appointment, just tell him."

I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently as the receptionist kept looking at me weirdly. After a minute or two she finally said, "Sixty-fifth floor, ask his PS to direct you to his office."

I rushed to the elevator and getting in I pressed the button. The ride to his floor seemed to be infinite. And after what seemed like hours, the door opened to the sixty-fifth floor and I didn't ask his PS where his office was because I could see the bold letters stating 'The CEO', on a door.

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