CHAPTER 4: Finding Her

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Cicilia's POV:

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for myself and I boiled the milk to feed Angela.
She is six months old and she is really a very quiet child.
About my job, when I was eight month pregnant, I got maternity leave and my HOD is really kind, so, when I told her that I was a single parent she allowed me to work from home.

So, now I work from home while I take care of Angela also.

And today, I received a call from the office for some really important meeting and they requested my presence there, so I thought of leaving Angela with my neighbour, she is in her mid 40 and she really love kids, she also has a fifteen year old daughter who likes Angela too.

After quickly having my breakfast and feeding Angela I got dressed. And carrying her in my arms I walked up to the door of my neighbour and knocked.

When she opened the door, she had a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Mrs.William", I greeted her.

"Good morning Cicilia, what brings you hear?"

"I was wondering that if you could just take care of her for a few hours, I have some really important meeting to attend at my office, please", I requested.

"Of course dear, I would be glad to look after her", she said before turning around a bit,"Sabrina! Look, Angela is here."

Her daughter appeared from behind with joyful look on her face and after greeting me, she took away Angela gently from my hands.
Thanking her I got down and took a cab to reach my office, it had been a long time when I last came here.

Entering into the office I greeted everyone I met on my way and as I was fifteen minutes earlier, I decided to spend my time in the cafeteria.

I was sitting there quietly sipping on my coffee and scrolling through my Instagram when I noticed a boy around my age, with chocolate brown eyes and same hair with a cup of coffee approaching me.

And with a friendly smile he said, "Can I join you?"

"Of course", I said with a smile and he sat down in front of me.

"James Wilson", he extended his hand for shake and after shaking his hands I said, "Cicilia."

He looked at me in confusion and asked immediately, "Cicilia Holland?"

I looked at him baffled at how he guessed it but I nervously chuckled and said, "No, I don't have a surname. But how did you guess it?"

"Oh, it just popped up in my mind, nevermind."

"I have been working here for a month but I never saw you", he added.

"Actually I am on my maternity leave, came here for some important meeting."

"Ok...", He said, "Daughter or son?"

"Daughter", I replied.

"How old is she?"

"Six months."

"So Cicilia, which department are you in?"

"I am in the reviewing department and you?"

"I am in the marketing department."

I checked my watch to see that it was already time for the meeting, so, I got up immediately and said to him before going, "It was nice to meet you James, bye."

"Goodbye Cicilia", as I started moving I could still feel his gaze on me but I refused to ponder upon it.

Sebastian's POV:

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