CHAPTER 10: A stroll in the park

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Sebastian's POV:

I just couldn't believe myself when Cicilia gave me more time to spend with Angela because the way she refused my request while we were in the car, I thought that she would never agree.
It has been many weeks since I have got to spend fifteen minutes with her.

I really want to see Cicilia smile, she would look stunning. She is beautiful and smart and the strongest person I have ever met in my life. Though she is also very stubborn but I like her stubbornness.

A knock on my office door interrupted my thoughts and it was then that I realise that I was really day dreaming about her.

Before I could say come in, Amanda walked in.

"Don't you have your own company to look after instead of barging into my office?", I questioned her amusingly.
Amanda is a fashion designer, though she is elder than me and dad wanted her to take over his enterprise but she was not interested.

She pulled out the chair and sat in front of my desk.

"I just came to inform you about the bomb mom and dad are going to drop tonight on you at the dinner."

I had to have dinner with my parents tonight and I was not paying attention to her as I was reading a file, I asked casually, "What bomb?"

She smirked before saying, "They are going to insist you on marrying someone."

I looked up to her with wide eyes, marriage?!

"I have made it really clear to them that I don't have a girlfriend and I am not going to get married soon", I stated.

"That's the problem little brother, they know you don't have any girlfriend that's why they will force you to have an arranged marriage."

"You are kidding right?", I asked to assure myself but she shook her head, damnit!

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration asking what should I do.

And the next thing I know is that she burst into laughter. What the hell!

"Relax Sebastian, I was just messing up with you", she said sobering up and I threw the pen in my hand on her furiously.

"You gave me a goddamn heart attack."

She wiped the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes by laughing and said, "Don't worry Sebastian but sooner or later they will be dropping this bomb on you, be ready. Find yourself a girlfriend little brother."

"Shut up Amanda and go away."

"OK jokes apart, what about that little daughter of yours, how's she?"

"She is good."

"Oh, I really wish to meet her Sebastian, she is so cute", she exclaimed. I sent Amanda her picture one day and since then she has been dying to meet her.

"Cicilia won't like you to meet Angela."

She rolled her eyes saying, "Why don't you tell her that you were drugged Sebastian, it was not your mistake. I am sure she will understand and maybe she will forgive you."

"Amanda go away", I stated.

"You really think that she will forgive you if you don't tell her what happened exactly that day?"

I got up and taking my things I said, "I have a really important meeting to attend to, now you may leave."

She angrily got up and grumbling she walked out of my office.

Cicilia's POV:

Angela was sleeping peacefully and it was already time for Sebastian to come. I glanced over to the clock to see that it was already past 8.

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