CHAPTER 22: Heaven

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Cicilia's POV:

"Welcome to Maldives, darling."

Maldives! Can you believe it, I was in Maldives, it has so many beautiful beaches, whoah!

The air was warm, the sun was shining brightly, everything was just perfect!

I squealed in happiness and threw my hands around his neck and hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you so much, I always wanted to come here", I exclaimed pulling apart from him.

"You are welcome darling", he said smiling widely at my enthusiasm.

He then held my hand before guiding me down the stairs and towards the car that was parked there for us.

Slipping into the backseat, he wrapped his hands around my shoulder before the car started moving through the roads of Maldives.

I was looking out of the window and I could see a beach in the distance.

After half an hour the car stopped and at the right side of us was the beach!
Are we directly going there?

Seb gestured me to come out as he wore sunglasses and I followed him to the beach and we walked beside each other along the ocean.

And to my surprise the beach was empty, there was not a single person there.

I had no idea where we were going but I kept quiet and walked with him, enjoying the view.

After walking for ten minutes, I felt tired completely as I stopped abruptly and sat down on the sand.

"I am tired Seb", I whined, "I can't walk anymore. Where are we going and when will we reach there?"

"It's a surprise too darling, though we could reach there by the car but I thought that you would like to take a walk on the beach", he said.

"It was fun at first but now I am extremely tired. Now, you going to pick me up and walk till there", I demanded at which he chuckled deeply before bending down and picking me up in bridal style and continued walking.

I was surprised that he is actually carrying me because I was just kidding but let it be...I like being carried by him.

As he walked, instead of looking at the sea beside us I was busy staring at him. He looked like a Greek God with those sunglasses and it was still hard to believe that this Greek God was now my husband, he was mine.

I leaned in and placed a kiss at his neck which made him stop as he looked down at me and I gave him a shy smile.
He smiled back before he continued walking.

After around five to seven minutes he stopped infront of a two-storey cottage with the beach right infront of it.
He gently placed me down on my feet.

"Are we... staying here?", I asked in surprise hoping he would say yes.

"Yes darling, we are staying here. This is my cottage and this area of the beach is also owned by me."

"No one will be able to disturb us here", he added.

"Yes!", I exclaimed, "thank you Seb."

He placed his arm on my lower back before guiding me towards up the 3-4 steps to the door of the cottage.
He took out a key before inserting it in the lock and opening the door.

The interior was so warm and cosy, it felt just like home.

"How come this is so cleaned?", I questioned him.

"It gets cleaned once in two weeks and especially when I have to come."

After checking out the living room and the kitchen I followed him upstairs to the master bedroom, it was beautiful but the main thing that caught my attention was the balcony because the view from there was awesome as the sun rays shined over the blue sea making it glitter.

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