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A few years later...

Cicilia's POV:

"Happy birthday, Angela!", Seb and I shouted as soon as our four year old Angela woke up.
She clapped her hands excitedly and we both engulf her in a hug.

"Thank you, dad and mom!", she said giving a kiss on our cheeks.

"Aww...you are welcome angel", I told her, kissing her forehead.

"Did you both bring me gifts?", she asked and we both looked at each other before Seb said, "We did. But you should wait till evening, when all your friends will be here."

"Okay", she replied innocently.

"Now get up fast, angel", I said to her and she jumped out of the bed before running towards the washroom.

God! I was tired already. I spent the whole afternoon with the party planner and made sure that the garden was decorated nicely.

This time, I insisted on having a simple party at our home only unlike her first birthday party, which was held at a huge banquet hall(it was Seb's idea).

Amanda and James got married two years ago and Amanda is actually two months pregnant with their first child.

And right now, I am living the best life ever. I have Seb with me who is really loving and caring though he sometimes do act like a jerk, and I have Angela to entertain us with her innocence and cuteness. She actually got Seb's brain, she is too smart for her age.

And as Seb promised me, I joined another publishing firm when Angela was an year and a half old. And currently, I was the head of my department, amazing right? And I realised that why Seb keeps shouting at his staff all the time, they don't do a single work properly until you shout at the top of your lungs. But I don't shout at them all the time unlike Seb.

It was already evening and I was dressing Angela into a cute baby pink frock.

"Mom?", she said as I combed her hair.

"Yes, angel?"

"There is one more thing that I want."

"What do you want, angel?"

"I want a little brother or sister", she said with a pout, innocently.

"You know, Eliza has a little sister and she is so cute, she has such small fingers. I played with her, when I went to her house last Sunday", she added.

She turned towards me and said sadly, "I also want one...I get bored, there is no one to play with me..."

She had tears in her eyes and head was lowered. I lifted her chin and asked, "What do you want, a brother or a sister?"

"A sister", she said enthusiastically, "then I can play with her with my dolls."

I smiled at her enthusiasm, "And what if it is a boy?"

She thought for a moment, as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "If it is a boy then also it's okay...then too he will have to play with me and my dolls."

I chuckled at her innocence and said, "You will get a brother or a sister soon, angel."



"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise", I said kissing her forehead.

"Now come on, don't you want to see your gifts?", I asked her and she happily nodded before I held her hand and guided her towards her nursery.
Seb was already standing outside it.

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