CHAPTER 17: Feelings...

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Cicilia's POV:

Seb sat opposite to me on the couch along with Angela. It's been a week since we went out for that dinner and to say that I didn't have any feelings for him would be wrong. I him...a lot. That kiss ignited the feelings in my heart for him. He has been on my mind 24/7, I just can't stop thinking about him.

As he played with Angela he kept glancing at me now and then and would smile at me and I really like his smile, one could literally die for it. His eyes are mesmerising and...ok, I should stop with this, this is too much.

Time flew by and he got up to leave although I told him that he could stay longer but he insisted that we should continue with the same routine.

As he was about to hand Angela back to me, she clutched him tightly, snuggling close to him as she buried her head in the crook of his neck and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck refusing to leave him.

"Come on angel, dad needs to go", I said softly trying to remove her from him but she wasn't moving.

Seb tried to remove her too but it was of no use, we can't even be harsh with her. She is really fond of him and loves him a lot.

I slowly removed her hands from his neck and finally at last I was able to take her back but the moment she came back in my arms she started crying.

Seb was sad to leave but I insisted that she would be okay, he then kissed my forehead(as usual) and Angela's too. Angela extended her arms towards him, gesturing him to take her but I told Seb that he could go. So with a sad look on his face on seeing Angela crying like that, he went away.

Angela didn't stop crying, no matter how much I tried. She wasn't even hungry cause I fed her an hour ago, she was crying for Seb.

It has been a half an hour since Seb left and Angela has not stopped crying. I was helpless, so, I did what seem right to me, I called Seb.

"Is everything ok?", he asked as soon as he picked up the call.

"Angel is crying, she won't stop. Please can you come back, after she sleeps you can go back please."

"No problem darling, I am coming."

So, I waited for him to come while I tried silencing her. The bell rang and I sighed in relief on seeing him.

The moment Angela went in his arms she stopped crying, and giggled while the tears streaked down her cheeks. She cuddled closer to him in happiness.

"I thought my ears would blast from her crying", I huffed and he chuckled.

"So little angel, what do you want me to do?", he asked caressing her cheeks as he sat down on the couch.

I thought Angela would sleep soon in his arms but that didn't happen. She was really active and playful and there was no sign of sleepness in her eyes.

After almost an hour, she finally fell asleep and I was glad that Seb was there. He walked into the room and placed her in the crib he bought for her.

"I should leave", he said to me as we walked out of the room.

"It's too late, you can...stay here for the night", I told him and yes, I didn't really have a problem with him sleeping in my apartment.

"Are you sure?" And I nodded my head in agreement.


I moved to the kitchen to wash the dishes when I felt his presence behind me, turning around I almost bumped into him cause he was standing too close.

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