CHAPTER 27: Kiss In The Pool

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Cicilia's POV:

Seb was supposed to come back today.
It's been four days since that drama unfolded...I mean four days since everything got solved(misunderstanding).

Seb was not angry anymore, he talked to me nicely everyday. I even gave him the number that sent me that picture, so, that he could find out, who that person is.

I missed him a lot these days especially after I realized that I love him.
Two-three months back, I hated him so much and now I can't believe that I love him.
He is actually really sweet and caring and I just fell for him.

I could feel a new type of energy running in my body after realizing my love for him.
I have become really enthusiastic these days though the spend the night thinking that whether I should confess or not.

What if he doesn't loves me back? Or maybe he does because he really cares for me but then...that doesn't mean he loves me.

Aargh! I am literally becoming mad!

I am thinking of ways to confess to him. Maybe I could say one of the lines from Shakespeare's sonnet, like, "So are you to my thoughts as food to life
Or as sweet season'd showers are to the ground."
Nah! That would be too romantic.

Okay...I should focus on my work right now, so, I once again shifted my attention back to my laptop as it was Monday and I had work to do.
Angela was with Abigail in the nursery.

(A/N: I literally forgot that she even has a job😅. And in case you forgot about Abigail, she is her maid.)

So, after a few hours, I was free and now I had to wait for Seb as he said that he would reach here by evening.

I don't why I was feeling so nervous, I was actually scared. First of all because of the drama that happened a few days back even though everything was fine now and secondly because I was afraid that what if he could detect my feeling for him.

There was a knock on the door and as I said come in, Abigail walked in with a sleeping Angela in her hands.

She gave me a smile before placing Angela in her crib that was near the bed.

"Fell asleep while I was feeding her", Abigail told me and I gave her a smile saying, "Thank you. You can go rest now."

She bowed a little before going away.

Sighing I got up and and went over to Angela who was sleeping peacefully. She looked so cute while sleeping, I could stare at her all day.
I hope she stays like this when she grows up...I mean, as quiet as she is now.
Leaning down I kissed her forehead.

I heard the front door open downstairs and I knew who was there, Seb was home.
My heartbeat quickened, thinking what I would say to him.

I could hear his footsteps as he climbed the stairs so I tried my best to hide my feelings as my body froze waiting for him to enter.

The door knob turned and in came, a tired looking Seb.
His eyes met mine and he made his way towards me immediately.

And I don't know why, I kept taking a step back as he moved towards me, and soon I was backed up against the wall.

"Why are you running away from me?", He asked.

"I...don't know...", I trailed off.

He gently grasped my neck and placed his forehead against mine as the tip of our nose was touching, our lips merely an inch apart.

"I am sorry Seb, for everything that happened...", I wasn't able to finish my sentence as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine and his actions were enough to make my mind stop working as I closed my eyes.

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