CHAPTER 13: Marry me

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Sebastian's POV:

I leaned back in my chair stretching my arms. God, it was a tiring day!
I was tired of shouting at my staff though I even pity them sometimes but I have no other option, unless you yell at them they won't do a single work properly.

My assistant left half an hour ago so thankfully I didn't have to deal with her flirtatious remarks on my way out of the office.

Getting into my car I was already on my way to her apartment.
As I approached her door and knocked on it, I got no reply.

Usually she opens the door seconds later I knock but today she didn't. Maybe she must be in the bathroom, I wondered.

I knocked again after a minute yet again I got no reply.
What's wrong?

I tried turning the door knob and it opened right away. Why would she leave the door unlock, she isn't stupid.

The house was silent, there was no one.

"Are you there?", I called out again as I slowly made my way to her room.

The moment I entered the room, my breath got hitched.
Cicilia was lying on the bed looking pale. And Angela was right beside her sitting there in confusion.
I quickly picked her up in my arms making sure that she was OK.

"Cicilia?", I shook her a little.
God, what the hell happened?!

It was then I noticed a letter on the night stand beside a bottle of sleeping pills. Damnit, this can't be possible!

I rushed outside and shouted, "Liam!"
The bodyguards that I hired for her came running up and I screamed, "Call the ambulance, right now!"

Going back to her room I checked her pulse and I could feel a faint one.
Why would she suicide?!

I felt tears in my eyes, I can't lose her, I am afraid to lose her and I don't even know why.

I felt Angela cuddle to me as she placed her head in the crook of my neck.
Cicilia had a daughter to look after, then why?

Everything went in a blur as the ambulance arrived and took Cicilia quickly to the hospital as I was with her the whole time with Angela in my arms.

I called Amanda and told her everything and she even rushed to the hospital.

I was sitting on one of the chairs outside the emergency room alone while Amanda took Angela with her to her house to feed her.

The letter I found in her room was in my hands as I opened it to answer the questions I had.

"Sebastian", it began, " I am sorry for doing this but I had no other option, I was tired of everything. I realised that you were a more good parent to Angela than me. You could provide her with everything unlike me who had nothing. And she loves you a lot and I know that she would be happy with you.
Just keep her safe and tell her that I loved her a lot.
~Cicilia "

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