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I gently rubbed my already tired eyes and quickly glanced at the clock. Half-past nine. The whole office was dark, so I assumed I was alone. But as soon as I had thought that, I heard a small knock on my office door. Confused about the fact that I hadn't been alone, I opened the door. My eyes were met by the sight of Zayn Malik, my boss and friend.

"Hey, I assumed you were still working, so I wanted to check on you", Zayn spoke with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"You shouldn't have. I'm doing great. Do you wanna come in?" He answered by nodding his head, so I went inside again and let my exhausted body flop on the office chair, which answered with a silent squeak.

"What's up, mate?", I asked, aware of the fact that he had come because of a reason.

"Not much, but you won't believe who just invited you to their company to write an article about them! You have three guesses!", he exclaimed excitedly.

"I have absolutely no idea. But it must be someone important since you're this excited about it. So, tell me."

"It's 'Styles Enterprises'!", he almost screamed.

"To be honest I'm not that interested in them...", I said unsure of how he'll react.

He nodded understanding but said:" I know, me neither, mate. But Harry Styles, the CEO's son will be the future CEO and they want to revamp his image, so he won't be associated with the scandals of his past and he'll be respected rather than laughed at." I just nodded along and let it go through my head.

"And since they know you are the most critical newspaper reporter, they want you to write the article, so everyone can see how perfect he is." I hummed but didn't know what to say about it.

"I don't know, Zayn. I'm not the guy for kissing asses of rich, spoiled kids, you know that though.", I told him reluctantly.

"I know and that's why I want you to write the article. You won't be kissing his ass, you'll find out everything about Harry Styles and his past, every little piece of dirt you can find, and confront him about it. If he's the perfect man his parents are talking about, he'll be able to handle it like a proper CEO. If not, you'll be brutally honest in the article.", he smirked. That made me smile, too. I liked the dirt of rich and spoiled children and confronting them about it was even better, and Zayn knew that.

Zayn got up and said: "I'll take that as a 'yes' "

We both laughed, I hummed in agreement and as he was about to leave, he turned around one last time with a serious look on his face: "But Louis", I looked at him "Go home already, it's late and you need to have some free time too."

"I know, I was about to leave anyway, mum", I said in a mocking voice. He slightly smiled and left. After that, I shut my computer down and left. This was going to be an interesting night of digging 'spoiled-kid' dirt and saying I was excited, was an understatement.


Happy 10 years of One Direction, we are legends!

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