[chapter 15]

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Louis pov.

*one month later*

Throughout the following month, we grew closer and closer and I already felt like I had known him forever. He was still the cutest boyfriend ever and bought flowers for me or something else to make me smile. And today was our 1 month anniversary, I was so excited. A few days ago, I bought a pullover for him and was excited about giving it to him. If I had to describe this month with a feeling, I'd choose 'in love'. Because we truly were. I had to admit that we fought for the first time too, but after we fought for like 30 minutes, we met in the middle and ended making out. We were so in love and had this burning flame of desire for one another, that it was hard to keep my hands off of him. Harry would come over today, we'd have a nice romantic dinner at mine and see where it goes. I had been nervous for almost a week, so I was really excited when the doorbell rang and we finally were united again. I had missed him the whole week because he was out of town doing some CEO-business.

Opening the door, I instantly let myself fall into him and he embraced me in a tight hug. "Hi, babe. I've missed you so much!", he greeted me and we went inside. After eating, I gave him the pullover, which he was happy about. "Aw, baby. You shouldn't have! But I love it.", he kissed my cheek and I blushed. He then pulled out a black little box and gave it to me. I looked at him with an unsure expression, but he indicated me to open it. When I opened it, I wanted to cry out of happiness. In the box was a necklace in heart shape. One side was blue and the other side was made out of green crystals, which resembled our eye colors. "Babe, open the necklace.", he giggled. So I opened the necklace and in there was a picture of us with the engraving 'I love you, Louis. H xx'. "Lou, I mean it. I love you.", he whispered and I could feel my eyes filling with tears. I rushed towards him, sat on his lap, and kissed him as if my life depended on it. "I love you too, Haz.", I said with a single tear streaming down my face. He brushed it away with his thumb, cupped my face in his huge hands, and kissed me with a lot of pressure. At that moment I couldn't be close enough to him.

I started to deepen the kiss, which made him moan in my mouth. I slipped my fingers in his hair and slightly tugged at them, so we had to pull apart. Instead of kissing his lips, I trailed down and started kissing his jaw. He hummed satisfied as I left marks all over his jaw and neck. But I wasn't done yet. I started kissing his sweet spot, right under his left ear, and listened to him silently moaning my name. I sucked at his tender skin, which made a dark spot appear. I blew air at this spot and he shuddered. Because I still sat on his lap, I could feel him hardening in his pants. And with the tease I was, I circled my hips with just enough pressure to create friction, but not enough to satisfy him.

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