[chapter 11]

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He giggled and I could imagine him blushing.
"I like you too, Louis.", he simply said.
And god, I thought I have never been happier in my life. "So, everything is okay between us?", I asked.
"Yes, definitely.", he answered. And I felt like a weight dropped off my shoulders.
"Good, because I wanted to ask you out. It would've been too bad if I had had to chain you up to a chair and haul you to my flat.", I said giggling.
"Would've been too bad, huh.", he breathed with an undertone I couldn't classify, but I decided to ignore it.
"So, how about Friday at 7 pm at mine and I'll get us some food?", I proposed shyly.
"I'd love that.", he declared.
"Perfect. What are you doing, love?", I asked.
I heard him giggle like a teenager, which was adorable. "Nothing, what about you?"
"Taking a bath.", I smirked and imagined him blushing.
"Oh!", he squeaked. "Then I'd rather not interrupt you any further.", and with that, he was gone. I laughed out loud and put my phone away. I really liked this dork and I liked making him embarrassed. And even though he ended the call swiftly, I knew he was fine.
After I had enjoyed my bath for 30 more minutes, I finally climbed outside. With a towel around my hips, I went to my closet and put new boxer shorts on, and went to bed with a content smile not leaving my lips. I laid in the dark and overthought today. Seen as a whole today was really beautiful, mostly because of Harry and our kiss. I slipped my hand out from under the sheets and touched my lips with my thumb. I could still taste and if I tried really hard, feel Harry's lips on mine. And if I dreamed about Harry that night no one had to know.
In the morning, I quickly grabbed my phone to check, if I had received a new message from Harry. And I was pleasantly surprised to see 3 new messages.
Harry: Good morning, boo :)
Harry: Urgh, I meant 'Lou'. Stupid autocorrection!
Harry: Oops!
I smiled down at my phone and was sure that it wasn't his phone's fault. Nonetheless, I didn't say anything about it and let him believe I bought it.
Louis: Hi! ;)
... or rather a Good Morning, love! Hope you'll have a great day. Can't wait to meet you again!
I still felt a little guilty about the incident yesterday and decided to send him flowers. I mean, why not? So I started my laptop and searched for a florist near London. In the end, I ordered a bouquet of different pink flowers. I assumed these were roses, but I am really bad at identifying flowers, so don't judge me. But they were pink, which I assumed he liked, because of his pink button-up yesterday. And they looked beautiful, so I bought them for him. I also sent a little note and a pack of Twix since he told me he loves them with the flowers and was kind of proud of myself somehow. The website promised that he would receive the gift today by afternoon. And it wasn't lying, because when afternoon arrived, my phone went off.
Harry: Thank you so much, Lou!
Harry: The flowers are so beautiful!
Harry: But you shouldn't have!
Harry: And the Twix! They taste divine! Thank you! :*

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