[chapter 12]

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And when Friday arrived, I couldn't keep still anymore. Even Zayn noticed how excited I was for Friday to arrive and forced me to tell him everything. He was pretty skeptical at first but told me he was happy for me and that if this is what I wanted I should make my plan work. What my plan was? I was going to ask Harry to be my boyfriend. I know, one could say it was too soon or that I couldn't know him, since I've only known him for about 3 weeks, which isn't even a whole month. But I didn't care about that. All I cared about was that it just felt right. To be honest, if someone told me about this situation I'd think they're crazy too. But I wasn't just someone and Haz (yeah, I finally have another nickname for him than 'love') wasn't just someone either. And trust me, this wasn't one of my impulsive decisions I was known for. I thought about it the whole week and was 100% sure by now. And I couldn't wait to ask him. I forced myself to not think about what I would do if he said 'no'. I knew, he wouldn't. At least, I hoped so.

But it was Friday, so I hurriedly got ready and ordered pizza. While waiting for the pizza to arrive, I tried my best and decorated my kitchen table. I wasn't sure if my kitchen was the most romantic and best place for it, because it was rather small, but I tried my best to make it look presentable. And I was pretty content with what I had created. There was one rose in a vase on the table. I had bought the nicest tablecloth I possibly could've found, which was made out of red silk. The white plates were perfectly arranged on the table and I placed candles everywhere in the kitchen. And when the pizza had arrived and I had placed it on the plates, I got more nervous with each second passing. Harry showed up just 5 minutes later, which was good since I didn't want the food to get cold. And there he stood, in a half-buttoned button-up, and smelled amazing. "You look amazing", I whispered as we were hugging. He smiled thankfully at me and kissed my cheek. I could feel that he was just as nervous as I was. I think he was scared I would run away again or he could make a mistake again. But I'd never run away again, but he didn't know that though. I led him to the table and his eyes got bigger. "Wow, that's so romantic, Lou.", he marveled.

"I'm glad you like it.", I simply answered. "I love it.", he said breathlessly. I giggled and as the gentleman I was, I pulled his chair back for him to sit down. He liked the food but was quick to realize that I had ordered - not baked - the pizza. After dinner, we ended up on my couch in the living room. We faced each other and I felt this urge to finally ask and kiss him. He took another sip from his wine glass and started giggling out of nowhere. But I didn't think about it too much and just enjoyed him being happy and the sound of him giggling. "Haz?", he hummed as a response. But he didn't face me, so I just reached over and put two fingers around his chin to turn his face towards mine. His eyes went big when he realized how close I was. "Haz.", I breathed and his breath hitched. "There's this thing I've been waiting to do the whole night. Will you allow me to kiss you again?", I asked and came closer with my eyes glued to his lips. He just nodded and I pressed my lips against his. And just like last time, a feeling of a thousand if not millions of butterflies flying and a thousand fireworks cracking in my stomach flooded my whole body. This kiss was way too familiar and heated up, but I had to stop myself right now before I'd take it too far without him being mine. I gently let go of his lips, which laid a small pout on his lips. After I had pecked them real quick, so his pout was be gone, I took a deep breath and started talking. "So, Harry. There is another thing I've been waiting to do tonight.", he raised an eyebrow and looked at me expectantly. The gearwheels working intensely in his brain were displayed on his face and all of a sudden he started to attractively wiggle his eyebrows. "No, you dork! Not that.", I exclaimed.

"I've been thinking about us the whole week. And even though we know each other for less than a month, it feels like years to me. You are pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a guy. And if you say it's too soon for you and you don't feel the same, it's okay. It's just something I need to get off of my chest. And taking us a step further just feels right to me. So, Harry Styles, I really like you and wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend. Only if you want to, obviously. So, will you?", I looked at him expectantly.

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