[chapter 4]

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Harry pov.

I went home with a content smile on my face, which quickly was replaced by a deep frown as my dad came down the stairs with a disappointed expression on his face. "What's up?", I asked not sure, if I was the problem or not. "I've heard everything through your microphone. Did you even use your brain during the interview?", he snapped. "I have, Dad. Why'd you ask?", I asked, breathing calmly. "Because if this Tomlinson guy is going to write an article, it won't be in our favor. Due to your dumb ass answers!", he screamed and I was afraid he was going to burst blood vessel. "Calm down, Dad. I thought I did a good job because I can't remember saying something non-beneficial.", I answered. "But you didn't! Have you seen Tomlinson's look on his face? He looks as if he was about to puke because he hated you that much!", he screamed, not listening to what I had just said. "Thank you very much!", I answered sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Don't give me such an attitude, son!", his voice boomed through our mansion, which must have drawn my mother's attention to our little argument. "Honey, what's wrong?", she asked concerned by his screaming. "Harry just won't understand that he messed up horribly and that this reporter's article will not only be his, but 'Styles Enterprises' death, too.", he snapped. She nodded understand and I asked myself whose side she was on. "Come on, darling. You'll go upstairs and I'll talk to him", she told him as if I wasn't standing right next to them. I rolled my eyes again, but my dad went upstairs. Mom softly hugged me and led me to the kitchen. We sat down and started talking. "But mom, I really tried! I don't know what I'm supposed to improve! I genuinely tried, but I'm never good enough.", I said with hanging shoulders. "Oh dear, don't say that. He's just a little bit nervous and wants you to be the best version of yourself, not only for the company, but for you too.", with that she pocked my chest. "I know, but it's getting exhausting, you know?", I asked. "I know, love. And I'm sure you did a wonderful job.", she kissed the top of my head and hugged me tightly, "How about you'll go upstairs and talk to him again. I'm sure he's a little bit calmer now and you can fix it."

"Okay, I will.", I said, standing up to go to my dad. I gently knocked at his office's door and opened it. He turned around because he was standing at the window facade. "I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't mean to scream at you. I just want the best for you.", he said. "I know, Dad. Do you have an idea how I can fix it?", I asked. "He gave you his number, right?", he looked at me with an unreadable look on his face. I had a really bad feeling about that one. "Yes?", I answered hesitantly. "How about you text him and make him like you, so you can talk him into not publishing the article? That sounds like a good idea to me. My stomach turned, because I seriously didn't wanna mess with him, but nodded anyway. A little fun won't hurt, right? I told him I would text Louis tonight and left. I didn't have a good feeling, but I pushed my compunctions away.

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