[chapter 19]

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Harry pov.

I was crying since the day I left, which was exactly 2 days ago. I hated myself, didn't eat, and cried my eyes out during the day, and dreamed about him at night. I couldn't go back to my flat, because it seemed like everything in there made me think of Louis and then cry harder. That's why my mom had called today and told me to come over. I didn't have enough energy to take a shower, change into different clothes or even leave the house. I was still wearing Louis's clothes that still smelled like him, so I refused to change. I would wear them as long as they smelled like him. My mom picked me up 15 minutes later and eyed me with a worried look on her face. I knew my hair was greasy and my cheeks were sunken. I really didn't look healthy, but I couldn't care less. The only thing I cared about was Louis and if he would come back to me, which I pleaded him to do over text messages, that he didn't receive. During the ride to my parents', my mom scolded me that I couldn't just starve myself because of my now ex-boyfriend.

I barely listened to what she said, but nodded so she would think I was listening. In my parents' manner, she helped me upstairs and made me wash myself (alone of course). Afterwards, she dumped me into the bed of one of the guest rooms. I quickly fell asleep and dreamed about him. How was I supposed to live without him? I now that I had a taste of how it felt to be loved by him, I felt addicted to him and couldn't forget him. I felt like this for almost 2 weeks, before my mom forced me to finally get up and get a grip on my life again. I started to recover and it felt like starting to breathe again after holding my breath for too long. One day, I brought my dad food, because he was busy. As I entered his office, I placed the plate on the desk on top of a piece of paper. This was the same handwriting as the one on Louis' note. And then it hit me and if I had still held the plate, I probably would've dropped it. "I-it was you!", I said with my voice shaking. My dad looked at me with a question mark written all over his face. "You send Louis the note and made him break up with me!", I now screamed. How could he? He knew how much Louis meant to me! "Oh, Harry. Now you finally get it. Yes, it was me, but it's not a big deal. Your relationship wasn't meant to be anyways. I just quickened the end. You can thank me later.", he said as if we were talking about the weather.

"Not a big deal?! You practically ruined my life", I screamed and wanted to just beat him up. Instead of answering he threw a newspaper article in my direction. As I was reading through it, tears burned in my eyes. And when I saw who wrote it, my blood froze. "No!", I screamed. He didn't do that. Louis wrote an article about me, but he literally told the whole world what a monster I was. But even then I couldn't be angry at him. I deserved it. But I couldn't leave him like that, which I finally realized. I wouldn't just walk away. And if he thought that I wouldn't fight for him, then I was about to prove him wrong. I slammed the article on the table. And even though it hurt, I wasn't furious with him. Rather with my father and what he did. I wouldn't just let my dad win by default. I would prove to him, how strong our love was. And I left and rushed to the front door. I couldn't be here any longer. And I knew exactly what I had to do.

I wanted to win Louis back.

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