[chapter 1]

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As I got home, I fed my dog Clifford. And before I could give in to my desire to start searching, I got a message from Zayn.

Zaynie: I forgot to tell you something. Hope you aren't already sleeping :/

Louis: Nah, I'm not even thinking about going to bed, haha. What is it?

Zaynie: I may have forgotten to tell you that you'll meet Harry Styles tomorrow afternoon. It's really important, so he canceled some meeting to meet you ;)

Louis: Oh, wow, you're telling me that now?! *not amused* :/ But I was about to start searching anyway, so I'll be done by tomorrow

Zaynie: Thx, you're the best!

Louis: I know. Good night xx

Zaynie: Good night xx (have fun :))

I wasn't able to actually eat something, because I was way too excited to find out more about Harry Styles' past, which was supposedly full of scandals. And I was too busy reading and digging to notice my grumbling stomach and the time. The next time I looked at my kitchen clock, it was 2:15 in the morning and I was almost dying from hunger. But I was too tired to cook anything, so I just put a pizza in the oven, which was done by 2:30. I quickly ate it, brushed my teeth, and went to bed, since I couldn't be tired in the morning.

Tomorrow will be the big day.

As I woke up, I immediately made my way to the bathroom to take a shower, while loudly singing songs along with the radio. Today was gonna be a good day, I could feel it! After a long shower, I quickly shoved some cereals down my throat and refilled Clifford's food. I hummed while putting my suit on and took my briefcase, in which I had put my papers, and rushed outside.

London was like a hive. Many people running around and being busy. Arriving at the office, I was greeted by many people I didn't even know, but I had a great day, so I greeted them back. Throughout the day I couldn't keep still, because I was way too excited to finally have the interview with the Harry Styles. So when the clock struck 4 o'clock, I was more than happy to finally leave the office and meet Mr. Styles.

I entered the building of "Styles Enterprises" and was struck with awe for a second. Everything was huge. The entrance was golden and all the ceilings were pretty high. The whole building seemed to be built of glass, but standing outside you weren't able to see inside. The whole entrance was light-flooded, however, I didn't have more time to look around, since a young woman called me: "Mr. Tomlinson?"

I immediately turned around and eyed her. She wore black pumps and a gray suit, which fitted her perfectly. She smiled at me and I noticed how her red lipstick complimented her pale blond hair. But she seemed to be nice, so I also smiled at her.

"That's me." Her smile widened and she extended her hand for me to shake, which I gladly accepted.

"I'm Ms. Meyer, Mr. Styles' secretary and I'm going to show you to his office.", she said in a high-pitched voice. I just smiled in acceptance and followed her to the elevators, which seemed to be made of glass too. This whole time she kept the smile on her face and after the elevator doors opened again, she led me to a huge office.

"Mr. Styles will be ready in a minute. May I offer you a drink, Mr. Tomlinson?", she asked, but I declined politely. So she left and I was alone. I looked around the room and had to admit it was beautiful. The window facade made the whole room look bigger and brighter. I admired the huge desk and basically his whole furniture, which I was sure cost more than my monthly loan. Shortly after, I heard the door open again, but I didn't turn around, because I thought it was Mr. Styles' secretary again.

But as soon as I heard a deep and raspy voice say: "Good afternoon, Mr. Tomlinson", I quickly rose from my seat and turned around as I was sat with my back to the door. And there he was.


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