[chapter 7]

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Friday arrived in the blink of an eye. Too fast, in my opinion, but here I was. I was finished taking a shower when the clock struck half-past six. That meant I 30 minutes left to get ready. With a critical look to my closet, I signed and decided to call Lottie. She definitely knew what was suitable. Shortly after she picked up.
"Louis?", she asked with surprise in her voice.
"I know I haven't called in a while, because I was busy, I really need your help, Lottie", I whined into my phone. She just giggled and asked what I needed help with.
"The thing is, I'm going on a date tonight", I had to hold my phone with distance, so I wouldn't be deaf after this call, because Lottie started squealing loudly. "Yes, I know. I haven't been dating anyone for years, but I don't plan on starting now. This is just one simple date. But I don't know what to wear."
"Mhm, I get your problem.", she had to think real quick, "Where are you guys going? Is he hot?", she asked excitedly and I could imagine her wiggling her perfectly plugged eyebrows.
"I'd say, he's attractive, yes. But I have no idea where he'll take me. I just know that we'll go out for dinner."
"Okay, that could be anywhere. But I think I know something.", she said and I thanked God that she knew exactly what was in my closet. Then she was silent for a minute and I thought the connection broke.
"So, umm. You still own that beige jumper I once bought you? If you don't, I'll kill you.", she told me laughing. But I assured her that I still owned it.
"Okay, and just combine the jumper with simple black skinny jeans. There you go, you can thank me later when he's drooling himself.", she giggled.
"Haha", I said humorlessly, "But seriously, thank you. What would I do without you?", I signed
"Now go and have fun on your date, Lou."
"I will. Thank you. And tell the twins I miss them. Y'all should visit me more often", I signed, because I really missed them, but had to hang up.
"Bye, have fun!", and with that, she was gone.
And as if Harry was standing in front of my door the whole time, the doorbell rang as the clock struck 7. I quickly put some cologne on, which was probably the third time, and rushed to the door. As I opened the door, he looked up at me, smiled shyly, and said: "You look beautiful, Louis." I smiled back and eyed him. He looked hot with the long coat, but I was too shy to tell him. So I silently grabbed my wallet and we left. Outside the house, he had parked his black car, which looked fancy. "So, where are you taking me?", I asked. A silent laugh escaped his lips and he told me I wasn't allowed to know, because he wanted it to be a surprise. We didn't talk a lot during the ride, but when he stopped in front of a fancy-looking restaurant, I couldn't keep my eyes from widening. It looked gorgeous and the front door had some golden details on it. As I was busy admiring the view, Harry went to the passenger seat door, opened it for me, and helped me get out. Harry was lovely, which I slowly recognized. He cared, was charming, and was eager to do everything perfectly and make me feel special. We went to our table and a waiter showed us the menu. I had no idea what each dish was, to be honest. This restaurant wasn't really where I ate normally, even though I probably could. So, I just ordered the same dish Harry ordered and he ordered us a cold bottle of wine. "So, Louis", he seemed to almost enjoy saying my name. But to be honest, I didn't mind, it sounded beautiful how he said my name. "Tell me something about you.", he asked with a twinkle in his eyes and folded his hands in front of his face. I slightly blushed and told him everything from my age to my family. But I normally didn't do that on a first date, but my mind refused to realize that. It's just that Harry wasn't much of a talker, but he was an awesome listener. I felt like I could tell him everything, but I held myself back. I got to know him better too and turns out he wasn't as bad and rude as I had thought. When we were done eating, Harry insisted on paying, even though I didn't need nor want him to. But he didn't let me change his mind and we ended up walking through dark London and just laughing. After a while, he noticed me shivering, because even though it was May the temperatures flopped drastically at night. "Are you cold, Louis?", his voice - filled with concern. And I tried to deny it, but I ended up wearing his coat, in which I looked like a child because he was a giant. We actually walked back to my flat and as I stood there, he in front of me, I thanked him multiple times. "I had so much fun tonight", he told me and slightly blushed. "Thank you, Louis.", he leaned down and kissed my cheek. And that moment was perfect, it indeed was. His smile when he leaned back, him touching my arm and leaving into the dark streets.

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