[chapter 17]

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I woke up at 7 am. It was still a little dark outside, but even the darkness couldn't destroy the good mood I was in. I looked to my left and saw that Harry was still sleeping. One of his arms was around my waist and his hair was a mess. It was so cute, so I quickly grabbed my phone and took a photo of us. But I had to get up and go to work since it was Monday. Cautiously to not wake him up, I pushed his arm off my waist and walked into the kitchen. I hissed when I felt a sharp pain coming from my bum, but that didn't matter, because this pain had been worth it and I'd do it again without hesitating. I wrote Harry a post-it and hung it on the fridge.

"Good morning, love. Hope you slept well!

I'd be happy if you stayed the day and

I can come home knowing you're here!

I'll be back by 5 o'clock. Please take whatever you need!

I love you,

Louis xx"

With a satisfied grin, I grabbed an apple and a banana and left, after dressing in my usual suit. My smile wouldn't leave my face and everyone at work noticed. Even Zayn asked if I won the lottery. But as I stepped into my office I had a strange feeling in my stomach, I knew something was off. There was a small folded note laying on my table with my name written on it. I frowned but opened it nonetheless. But what I was reading, made my face go pale and I felt like I was going to pass out. This couldn't be true!

Harry pov.

I woke up because I couldn't feel Louis next to me anymore. I searched for him with my eyes closed and my hands trying to find him. But I always grabbed the sheets instead of Louis, which made me open my eyes with an annoyed growl. It was 9 am and he was gone, but the sheets still smelled like him and when the memory of yesterday night flooded my brain, I couldn't stop a shit-eating grin creeping up my face. Everything was perfect. I buried my face in the sheets and tried falling asleep again with the smell of Louis in my nose. But it wasn't meant to happen, so I stood up and walked into the kitchen to eat something. I really felt at home at Louis'. When I saw the little note Louis left for me, I smiled and read it at least 5 times. He was just the cutest boyfriend, I could've ever asked for. I grabbed a bowl, poured some milk and cereal into it, and ate in silence. It was pouring rain outside, but that couldn't ruin my mood. I was so excited to see Louis again.

But when he finally came home, he didn't seem as excited as he wrote on the note. "Hi, babe. How was work?", I asked excitedly, but my smile fell when he shot me a dark and furious look. "Harry, sit on the couch. We need to talk.", he said sternly and a shiver ran down my spine. When I sat down, I asked hesitantly if I had done something wrong. But he just ignored my question and passed me a note with his name written in sloppy handwriting. Wait, I knew this handwriting! But I couldn't identify who this note was from, so I just opened the note. As I read the following lines, the color fled my face.

" Mr. Tomlinson.

I'm sorry I have to inform you that your boyfriend,

Harry Styles, hasn't told you the whole truth

about his sudden interest in you.

He was just playing with you,

so you wouldn't write a bad article about him.

Too bad, that you have to discover the truth like that "

"Is- is it true?", he asked hoping it was just some stupid joke. But sadly I couldn't confirm that it was just a joke, so I nodded hesitantly. His eyes got darker and I could almost see his anger bubbling on his inside. "But, please, Lou. Let me explain! It's not like that anymore-", I tried but got interrupted by him. "No, Harold, I won't listen to you and your damn lies! I want you to fucking leave! Right now! And don't you dare to ever even look at me again, it's over!!", he said calmly. But it wasn't this normal calm, it was a calm that made you want to run away and never come back, but I had to try one more time. "No, please! Lou, you can't just end it like that! Please, I love you!", I said desperately. "I can. Watch me! And don't you dare say you love me! Who even lies about important stuff like that?!", and with that, he stood up and left towards the bathroom. I knew the battle was over, and I lost. With tears streaming down my face, I packed my clothes from yesterday and grabbed the note from the fridge. It was everything I had left. It was over. And that hit me like a train with 150 mph. I couldn't stop crying and what broke my heart the most, were the little sobs I managed to hear behind the closed bathroom door. I, myself wrote a little note, telling him that I loved him and that I hoped he could forgive me someday and how sorry I was. Then I left Louis flat, but without my heart. He took it a long time ago, it belonged to him now.

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