[chapter 14]

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Harry pov.

The next morning, I went to my parents' to tell them about the great news I had. I was pretty proud of myself and I thought my dad would be too because now that Louis was my boyfriend, he wouldn't write a bad article, would he? But thinking of me charming Louis in not writing the article or writing an article in my favor, made me feel sick and I wanted to just wash off my guilt. But it wasn't like I didn't like him, because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have agreed to be his boyfriend. I fell for him and I don't even regret it. The only thing I did regret was, that I had agreed on playing with him instead of texting him out of real interest. But that was now forgotten and we could be happy. He was perfect to me and he would always be. I stepped onto the manner with a huge and in-love-smile plastered on my face and I could've sworn that nothing could wipe it from my lips. But little did I know, my smile was about to be scrubbed off my face forcefully.

I told my parents and my mom instantly hugged the air out of my lungs and I almost died, but I knew she only meant well and was excited for me. But my dads' reaction was different from what I had expected. He almost slammed his glass on the living room table and rushed upstairs. Leaving me and my mom behind with confused looks on our faces. "Wow, why can't he at least be happy for me once?", I asked my mom and myself, but stood up to follow him. This was going to be an exhausting fight and I could almost smell it. With a sign, I knocked and went in. "Why did you even do that?! I had said make him like you. Not fuck him and become his boyfriend or did I enunciate it vague, huh?! Why can't you just do what I told you for once?!", he screamed. "Just to get this right. I didn't 'fuck' him - as you just eloquently said - and I certainly didn't do it because of this dumb article. I did it because of me, I wanted it. And if I want to 'fuck' him, then I will and it's none of your business. This is my relationship not yours. And for the record, I like Louis. I really do and I can even imagine genuinely loving him in the future.", I said calmly. But my dad was furious and wouldn't even listen to me. "I don't support you and your relationship. This relationship was built on lies and they'll come out eventually. Love him you said? Ha, what do you even know about love? Nothing, but keep that illusion of yours, that you and this Tomlinson guy can last. But if he's gone, I'll tell you I told you so. Now get out!", and with that, I stormed out of the house. I quickly drove off the manner with tears blinding me. I really didn't know where I went, but I just drove until I reached Louis' flat. I stomped up the stairs and when I reached my boyfriend's apartment, I kept on ringing the doorbell until a slightly sleepy-looking Louis opened the door. Before he could say something I hugged him tightly. "Haz? What's wrong?", he asked and closed the door. We stumbled to the couch and I just let my body flop onto it with Louis in my arms. He squealed, but I barely noticed it. Now that I was with him, I couldn't blink my tears away, so I just let them stream down my face. He rested his head on my chest, caressed my arms at times, and kissed my tears away. When I felt strong enough to tell him, I told him how my dad didn't support us and disliked him being my boyfriend. I didn't tell him about the part that I had an agreement with my dad to make Louis like me. He caressed my cheek and pecked my lips sweetly. "Everything will be fine. I promise.", he whispered again and again. I felt sleepier as time passed and fell asleep with a tight grip around Louis' waist as if I was afraid he would leave.

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