[chapter 6]

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Louis pov.

I woke up early in the morning. And even though I knew I was off, since the weekend finally arrived, I couldn't go back to sleep. It seemed like Harry's strange behavior won't let me rest. It was weird, why was he that interested? He was no different from other clients and I didn't like his rich-kid-attitude, even though he didn't show it in the interview. But I knew that I maybe was judging him too fast and remembered how my mom always used to say "Everybody deserves a second chance". Thus I decided to give Harry another chance and be as kind as possible because he didn't seem rude and, to be honest, it wasn't like I wasn't interested in him. And I'm sure he grew up and maybe lost his rude attitude he had when he was a teenager. I didn't know what I was going to text him, so I just went to the kitchen to enjoy my daily tea. After that was done, I fed Clifford, who had excitedly greeted me as I went to the kitchen. I took a long shower while trying to sort things out. To be honest I pretty much had no idea how I could start a conversation with him because I was sure I had judged him by headlines about him. But this whole 'I-don't-know-how-to-start-a-conversation'-problem went out the window when I checked my phone, dripping wet with just a towel around my hips. And I wanted to thank god for hearing my prayers as I received a message from Harry. That meant I didn't have to start the conversation. I was kinda afraid, but exuberant at the same time.

Harry: Good morning. Hope you'll have a great weekend :). H xx

I immediately had a wide smile on my face, but I didn't know how to tell him that I had indeed time to meet him. Maybe already this weekend. But at the same time, I didn't wanna precipitate anything and wasn't quite sure, if I was supposed to answer right away. But what if he thought I had lied when I told him I didn't have time, which I certainly did. Oh god, this is harder than I thought. After overthinking for nearly 5 minutes, I decided to just write right away, no thinking, no doubting.

Louis: Good morning. You're lucky, because my schedule was slightly cleared for the next couple of weeks, so now I eventually have time to meet you again.

I knew I sounded kind of cocky with this whole 'you're-lucky'-thing, but I pressed 'send' nonetheless. Hopefully, he'll text me back real quick. And as I thought it my phone told me that I had received a new message.

Harry: Wow, that's great news. How about Friday, at 7 pm? I'll pick you up and take you out for dinner. I'm excited to meet you ;)

At the thought of seeing him again, I got weak to my knees. But I had to admit, that I was excited and looking forward to it. I wasn't sure, if this was us meeting as friends or considered a date, so I quickly responded.

Louis: Sounds good. Is this considered a date?

After I had sent it, I wanted to punch myself in the face. Wow, I'm as tactful as a fleeing elephant. I had to be professional, I mean it wasn't like I was in love with him, haha. Never gonna happen. But I was glad I would meet him again because I had to admit he was an interesting personality and I'm sure he's nice to be friends with. But we'll see how it'll turn out.

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