[chapter 13]

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And I already expected him to say 'no' when he threw himself on me with his whole body weight. He was now laying on top of me and pressing his lips on mine, which was not what I had expected. But I took what I could get and kissed him back. He then pulled back, leaned his forehead on mine, and whispered: "I'd love to. And I like you too." Relief rushed through my body and I pulled him in again and kissed the living life out of him. Right now, I thought to myself, I was probably the happiest man alive. We pulled a few centimeters apart and a saliva thread still connected our lips, which make him giggle like a twelve-year-old. He pecked my lips again and removed himself from my body. "Oh, oops. Sorry, I didn't mean to crush you.", he said embarrassed, but I just reached over and pulled him back to sit next to me. "You didn't. And even if you did, I'd probably still enjoy it.", I laughed. "You know, if anyone had told me 3 weeks ago, that you'd be my boyfriend by now, I would've laughed at them.", I confessed and reached over to intertwine our fingers. A look of guilt washed over his face but was quickly replaced by a much happier look, so I didn't mention it. "Why?", he pouted and I wanted to kiss his now swollen lips again and again. "Because I was blinded by the stories written about you, which I'm sorry about.", I kissed him in emphasis. "And, because you are so attractive, you are out of my league. Plus I didn't know you were interested in boys, so.", he blushed again. I still couldn't believe that he was my boyfriend, like officially.

When he was gone, I laid awake and thought about how lucky I was. Harry Styles was my boyfriend. And saying that sounded really good to my ears. It really did. I thought back to when we stood at my front door and I wouldn't let him leave. I kissed him a thousand times while he tried to put his jacket on. Our last kiss turned into snogging and ended in a make-out session with his back pressed to the wall against the front door. I really felt good and I had to try really hard to not get rock-hard in my tight jeans. After at least five minutes of 'exchanging saliva' - how Harry had jokingly called it - he pulled back and told me he really had to go now, which made me pout again. He had rushed out the door, after pecking my lips real quick and whispering 'boyfriend' in my ear. I was so happy he finally was mine and when I thought of all the things we were about to experience together in the future, I could only squeal in excitement. I tried my best to remember the feeling of his lips on mine and a sudden rush of butterflies rushed through my body. I could still taste him and with my thumb on my lips to try and remember this feeling forever a smile crept on my lips. And with that content smile, I fell asleep. And at that moment I had completely forgotten about the cause of our first encounter: the article.

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