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All of that happened 5 years ago. And looking back, I was happy about everything that had happened. Our break, how we now called it, was worth it because it showed us how much we needed one another and how precious our relationship was. I was standing in a little room right now. In there were just a mirror and a small table. But I wasn't alone. I was with my mom and Zayn, who both tried to calm my nerves, at which they failed horribly. My hands have been shaking, since the moment we had arrived today. I fixed my fringe for the 10th time within 15 minutes. "Honey, you have to calm down. You can't go out there feeling like that. Everything is going to work out perfectly!", she reassured me. "But what if he doesn't show up? What if he's just going home?", I asked worriedly. "He won't, Louis. You are his home.", she answered, which then calmed me.

"Okay, now go out there, and make me proud!", she smiled and I fixed my suit one last time with a glance at the mirror. I intertwined my arm with my Mom's and we stepped outside. Suddenly all eyes were on us and we walked down the aisle. At the front of the rather small church, we stopped and Zayn, who was walking behind me and my mom, stood next to me. To say I was nervous, would be a lie.

I was feeling as if I was going to pass out, but then the music started and the door opened. Harry and his mom stood at the entrance and I couldn't keep myself from shedding a tear. He looked so beautiful in his white suit. His hair was now short, which I at first couldn't believe he did. But he looked wonderful and I love him more with each day passing. He smiled at me and I knew he was nervous inside too. We had been waiting for this moment for so long and now it was finally happening. We were getting married! While walking down the aisle he kept on winking at me, which made me smirk. At the front, Anne put Harry's hands into mine and I promised her to take care of him forever and always. We then turned to the pastor, but I didn't listen at all. I was too busy staring at Harry and admiring his beauty. I couldn't believe that after this day Harry was going to be mine completely. We were ultimately happy and had planned this day for months. I thought back to the day we got engaged. We went to the beach that day and when he showed me the sunset, Harry suddenly kneeled down and pulled out a ring. I was happy and tears were streaming down my face.

And since then we got closer and closer with each day passing. His lips parted and he smiled. Oh, how kissable they were! I snapped out of my daydream when I heard the pastor say:"Harry Styles, do you take, Louis Tomlinson, to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love and respect him and share all life has to offer, your hopes and dreams, your achievements and disappointments with him from this day forward?" I felt tears brimming in my eyes as he said:" I do." The pastor then asked me: "Louis Tomlinson, do you take, Harry Styles, to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love and respect him and share all life has to offer, your hopes and dreams, your achievements and disappointments with him from this day forward?"

I answered with a firm: "I do."

The pastor said: "You may now kiss the groom!" and we smashed our lips together. And I almost didn't hear him say:

"I present to you, Mr. and Mr. Tomlinson"

💚  the end  💙

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