[chapter 20]

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Louis pov.

2 weeks had passed by now and Zayn helped me get a grip on myself again. He checked that I properly ate and drank. I felt better as days passed, but the pain was like poison, that won't leave my body. I recovered, but the pain stayed. At night I dreamed about him and sometimes woke up crying, but I was getting better. The thought of Harry not caring at all made my heart ache all over again. To me, him not texting or calling was prove that he didn't care at all. I tried to sleep without hugging the pillow that still smelled like him, but it was harder than I thought. But Zayn was there for me and even helped me write the article, that was supposed to be an act of perfect revenge. We often stayed late, so we could privately work on it because I still had moments where I completely broke down when I thought about him. Zayn caressed my back, hugged me, and whispered that everything was going to be fine, in these moments.

And yesterday, we published our article. But to make it worse for Harry, I was the only author listed beneath the article. I was so nervous when I entered the building my hands were shaking. Today was the day, the world was going to read my article. I reached my own office and opened the door. I found a wide smiling Zayn in there, who hugged me and told me how proud he was. But what made me furrow was that there was a huge bouquet placed on my desk. "Aww, Zayn. But you didn't have to buy me flowers for that!", I said sniffing them. Zayn started laughing and told me that they weren't his, which confused us even more. He said the cleaning lady had put them there, and that they were sent to my office. After examining the flowers closely, we finally found a little note, tucked in the flowers. And what I read, made my blood freeze in seconds.

"Hope you'll have a great day!

I miss you, H xx"

Zayn's eyes widened in shock and I felt like passing out. I really had the sudden urge to throw these out of the 13th story and watch them get destroyed by the cars. Zayn had quickly recovered and urged me to sit down, because - quote - I looked like I had seen a ghost. "See, he cares. He even wants you back, otherwise, he wouldn't have sent these.", he pointed at the rose bouquet. "You're irresistible, Lou. But we won't give him what he wants, will we?", he said winking. The rest of the day was pretty normal, though Harry kept on texting me. I didn't reply once and I couldn't wait to come home. I stuffed the bouquet of roses and my bag onto the passenger seat and drove off. I was tired as hell but knew that I couldn't sleep since Harry just won't leave my mind. He didn't leave me, so I opened a wine bottle in my desperation. I almost instantly chunked half of it down. I had never done that before, but who says trying something new was bad? My phone went off again and I knew exactly who it was. This caused me to take two to 3 big sips from the bottle. My mind wouldn't even now stop thinking about him. But I was drunk by now. My head felt like I was in some sort of cotton candy cloud and all I could think of was Harry. I really didn't know what I was doing, but before I knew it, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, searched for Harry's contact and pressed 'call'. Only his soothing voice could calm me right now.

"Lou?", his beautiful voice ringed in my ears.

"Haweh, why cawnn't yuh just leeevhe me? D-don't yu fink I waf toutuurd enouf?"

"Louis, are you drunk? Baby, answer me."

"Nohh", I giggled, "I owny obened twe boddle."

"Oh, Lou. I know you're going to regret this in the morning, but I'm too selfish to stop you.", he said more to himself than me, but I didn't care.

"Fank yu fur twe flowers!", I screamed.

He chuckled, "So you like them? I'm glad you do. Louis, I really miss you and...", the line went dead.

"And?", I giggled.

"And I still love you, Louis.", and with that I was stone-cold-sober.

"Louis? Are you still with me?", he asked.

As soon I had realized what he just said, I pressed 'end call' and threw my phone as far from me as I possibly could. The tears almost automatically started streaming down my face.

This night, I cried myself to sleep with these 6 little words replaying in my head.

"And I still love you, Louis."

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