[chapter 16]

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"Mhm, Lou. You are such a tease!", he moaned with a slightly deeper voice. And I loved it. I leaned back and looked into his eyes, which were tinted darker due to his lust. I couldn't deny liking how this evening was going. Suddenly he put a lot of pressure on my hips and pressed me down on his boner, which made me gasp. "Hell, no. You can't just take what you want. Y-you need to earn- mhm - it.", I managed to stutter out. A raspy laugh could be heard and with that, he stood up, with my arms and legs wrapped around him. I knew exactly where he was heading. But I squealed when he just threw me on my bed. I hadn't much time to think, because he then quickly hovered over me. With hungry eyes, he pulled my shirt over my head and his shirt followed mine to the floor. Same thing with our pants and socks, until we only wore Boxershorts. A raspy and animalistic sound fled his throat and made me moan, as he palmed me through my underwear. "Mhm, Harry. Hurry up!", I demanded and earned a chuckle. "Patient, baby.", he chuckled while kissing my chest and leaving marks, so I wouldn't forget about tonight for the next 7 days. Finally, he freed me from my too-tight shorts and shoved two fingers in my mouth, on which I willingly sucked. "You're needy, huh?", which I answered with a quick nod. "Where are your condoms, love?", he moaned and pulled his fingers out of my mouth, which I answered with a sad groan. "Cupboard, drawer in the middle.", I answered as short as possible and he grabbed a condom, but didn't open it yet. He let one finger slide inside of me and made me moan. I didn't need much time until he could prepare me with 3 fingers, but 3 fingers were less than what I needed, so I whined. He knew exactly what I needed, so he slipped the condom over his hard length and positioned himself. He pushed forward and penetrated me, which made me moan loud enough that I was afraid my neighbors would hear us. When he was fully inside of me, I could see how hard it was for him to control himself. But he got a grip over himself and moaned quietly, while I was adjusting to his size. "I'm ready.", I said with a shaky voice. And with that, he started thrusting. We were moaning and the bed was shaking. I begged for him to go faster and harder, but he only got slower to tease me and suddenly stopped. "What's wrong with you?!", I asked laughing, and slapped his chest slightly. But what he did, I did better, so I moved my hips and touched myself. I moaned in his ear loudly to frustrate him and it worked. He slapped my hand away from my own boner and started thrusting like a maniac. That was exactly what I wanted, so I gave him what he wanted and moved with his thrusts, that became sloppier and moaned his name. "I-I'm coming!", I said and before I could realize it, I came all over the both of us. My muscles tightened around him and made him come with my name on his lips. He collapsed on top of me. I hugged him and kissed the top of his head. "Mhm.", he just groaned and pulled himself out of me. He threw the used condom away and cleaned us with the paper towels on my bedside table. I was too exhausted to even move, but he took care of me, so I had nothing to worry about. After cleaning us, he turned the light off and hugged me from behind. That night I fell asleep with a content smile on my face because at that moment everything was perfect. But little did I know, this perfect relationship was about to be broken to pieces.

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