[chapter 21]

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The following weeks hadn't been better. I felt like shit, dreamed about him at night, and couldn't properly eat. It was as if the call had turned back time. Instead of getting better, everything got worse. And with everything, I meant everything. The circles under my eyes got darker each day and the daily gifts Harry either sent to my office or my home and his messages, didn't help me recover either. I broke down several times a day. And I usually would say that I was overreacting or behaving like a 10-year-old trying to be a drama queen. But I couldn't help it, I really couldn't. Again, 2 weeks had passed, when there was loud ringing heard in my flat. I didn't think about checking who it was before, so I just opened the door. In front of me was Zayn with a box in his hands and I let him in. "Seriously, you need to tell Harry to stop sending you so much stuff! The delivery guy is losing his patience!", he panted and put the box in the middle of the kitchen table. "I already tried, Zaynie!", I whined. I cautiously opened the box and was stunned as I saw what was in there. I held my breath and looked at Zayn with widened eyes. As soon as I had completely unwrapped the content, Harry's sweet scent rose to my nose and I deeply inhaled. In the box was a framed picture of us, one of his hoodies, that smelled wonderfully like him, sweets, bath soap, because he knew exactly how much I loved taking a bath, a small bottle of his cologne, and a letter. This was so romantic, that I had to sit down. Zayn took the seat opposite me and I wanted to grab the letter, but he held my hand before I could reach for it. I looked at him confused and he said: "Are you sure you want to do this?" I just nodded and grabbed it. It probably wasn't good to do that, since I was super close to giving in. I folded it open and started reading out loud.

"Dear Louis,

over the past couple of weeks, I sent you many presents. And I know that you asked me to stop many times before, but I just couldn't. But, I swear, I'll stop now. You just

have to say so. You just mean so much to me. You've been the first person to ever make me feel real love. Everyone before you was a waste of time, that I could've used by searching for you. I want you to know so many things, but I don't know where to start. But the first and probably most important thing, I need you to know is: I'm sorry. For everything. I'm sorry I even agreed on that stupid agreement with my father and trust me if I could turn back time, I already would've. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you. And I know you deserve way better than how I treated you. But here I am begging you for forgiveness. Please, forgive me. And even if you don't ever want to see me again, which I could understand, you should know: I'll never love someone the way I loved and still love you. Yeah, I still love you. With everything I have. Every fiber of my body longs for you and getting rejected by you hurts worse than dying a thousand deaths.

I now know, that my father sent you the note and I'm sorry once again. I really don't deserve you, but as I said before, I'm just too selfish to let you leave. I love you so much that it hurts. I can't sleep without hugging your t-shirt and when I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming of you. You changed me (but in a positive way)! And trust me I never had the intention to hurt you. So, I sincerely ask you: Will you give me and us another chance? I'm begging you! The thing is, I'll be waiting for you tonight at the restaurant we had had our first date at. You can either show up and give us another chance or not.

If you won't show up, I promise I'll leave you alone. No more gifts, no more texts, I swear.

In the end, I just want you to know that I love you and that I'll never love someone as much as I love you!

Yours sincerely, Harry xx"


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