[chapter 5]

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When I was about to go to bed at 9 pm, I quickly grabbed my phone to text Louis. I saved him in my contacts and wrote at least 5 messages, but deleted them afterwards. In the end, I decided to send him just two simple texts.

Harry: Today was nice and I'd like to see you again.

Harry: Good night. H xx

To be honest I was verily excited and nervous. But I didn't even have to wait 5 minutes until I received his response.

Louis: Excuse me, but who are you?

Harry: Hi, it's Harry. From today's interview :)

Louis: Oh, hi. I listened to the recording again and noticed, that another meeting won't be necessary. I have everything I need for an article.

I felt sick all of a sudden because to me it sounded as if he really didn't want to meet me again. But I couldn't give up that easily, I had to start a new attempt.

Harry: That's great! But I wasn't talking about a business meeting. I would like to privately meet you without all the formalities, because, if I'm being honest with you, Mr. Tomlinson, I'm genuinely interested in your personality.

I didn't know if that sounded dumb, but I didn't have anything to lose, did I? So I just pressed 'send' and hoped for the best. Hopefully, he'll agree on meeting me.

Louis: Outside of work you can call me Louis, but I don't know if we can arrange a meeting. I'm really busy these days and therefore don't have much free time. Sorry :(

I tried to suppress the upcoming feeling of sadness because even though I had to do it, because of my father, it still didn't feel good to be rejected. But I tried my best to think positively. I mean it was good, that he offered me to call him Louis and that he texted with an emoji, but maybe I was overthinking. I just had to give it another try tomorrow, so I replied:

Harry: Too bad. Good night. xx

And with that, I shut my phone off and went to sleep.

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