[chapter 9]

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Harry pov.

I lay awake almost every night, thinking about him. And even though I wasn't supposed to not actually like him, but just act like I would, I couldn't deny that I really liked him. He was just a person you sit with and admire what he's like. He seemed perfect to me, he really did. When he smiled, I had to automatically smile too. But did he like me too? What if he just pitied me and thus went on a date with me? Was he just playing? Was I falling him? I didn't know, and wouldn't even if I stayed awake the whole night and thought about it. But little did I know, I wasn't the only one thinking about these questions.

As I awoke in the morning, it was already Friday and I slowly couldn't keep my excitement at bay. I checked my phone on my way to the bathroom and had an instant smile on my face as I saw Louis' messages.

Louis: Good morning, Harry. I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow!

Harry: Good morning, Louis. Me too. I'm going grocery shopping now, so we won't have to starve tomorrow ;) H. xx

I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and stripped to take a shower. Afterwards, I went grocery shopping. I decided it would be cool if we cooked pasta. That afternoon I went to my parent's home to visit them and told them about my date because my mom wouldn't let me leave without telling them why I was happier than I was in a while. My dad didn't get that I actually liked Louis, but I let him believe I just faked it. My mom though got it and told me that she was happy, I found someone that made me happy. And I was happy. The smile wouldn't leave my face and I had a reason to be exuberant about the weekend. Whenever Louis and I texted or I thought about him, I had this warmth in my stomach and was just smiling as if I had won the lottery. And then finally Saturday arrived. I barely slept until 8 am and started to count the hours down until Louis would be here. I quickly texted him my address and 'good morning', but I had no idea what I should do until he would show up. In the end, I ate breakfast and called my sister to tell her everything. We ended up talking for 3 hours, which left me with six hours left until he would arrive at 6 pm. The boredom was killing me, so I jumped back in bed and watched Netflix until I realized cleaning wouldn't be a bad idea. I had 4 hours left, so I quickly started with the kitchen and so on. I wanted my apartment to look perfect when he arrived. It was 4:35 pm when I was finished with removing every little piece of dirt I possibly could find. And I had to say I was quite proud but had sweat running down my forehead. After realizing I was stinking like a cowshed, I quickly stripped and took a long shower. Stepping out of my shower with a towel around my hips, I looked at myself in the huge mirror above the sink. My hair was dripping wet and I looked like a wet poodle, so I grabbed the blow dryer and blow-dried my hair. While trying to fix my hair, I thought about him. What it would be like to kiss him? I could only imagine, but what I imagined was wonderful. It would be like fireworks exploding or something. But I couldn't kiss him yet, could I? That was too early, maybe next time. Because I wanted him to be sure too.

I brushed my teeth while picking out my favorite pink button-up, combined with black skinny jeans and left the last 3 buttons open, which added a little bit of spice in my opinion. And as I applied my perfume, I heard the doorbell ring. I felt as if I was struck by a lightning and ran downstairs. I opened with a huge smile plastered on my face and was shocked by how good Louis looked. He was wearing a green Adidas jumper with black skinny jeans. He looked hot, I thought to myself and at that moment I noticed that I had been staring and hadn't even greeted him, so I just pulled him in. He was surprised at first and tensed up, but hugged back real quick. That was my chance to smell his cologne, which was delicious, to be honest. He pulled back and stepped in. "Wow, your apartment looks dope!", he smiled and I thanked him. I led him to the kitchen and we sat down to just talk. "So, how's work?", I asked. "Mh, boring", he laughed. "Do you want a glass of wine?", I asked and clumsily stood up. He just nodded giggling. "You look really good today!", I said to fill the silence, but instantly started blushing. "Just today?", he asked while raising an eyebrow. I started stuttering: "N-no, I mean you always look beautiful, I just.."

I just stopped rambling, because he started laughing. "It's okay, I'm just teasing you.", he said still laughing and I blushed furiously. I gave him a glass of wine and asked if we should start cooking, which he approved. We just chopped tomatoes and chatted. I "accidentally" brushed his arm with mine sometimes, but he didn't seem to mind. When we were finished, I started cooking and I could feel his gaze on my back, which made my hands tremble slightly. So after a short amount of time, I turned around and caught him staring, which resulted in him blushing. I smiled proudly at him and continued while chatting with him or humming a melody. As I stirred the pasta, I could feel him behind me and before I knew it, he had his chin placed on my right shoulder. A nice shiver ran through my body and I turned my head, but he pulled back, which made me sign. He still stood behind me though, and whispered: "Can I have a taste?" I giggled and searched for a tablespoon, before dipping it in the sauce. He didn't seem to take the spoon out of my hand, so I turned around, whispered 'open your mouth', and put it in his mouth. We stared at each other and the way he looked at me was kinda intimidating, so I quickly turned around, before he could see that I was blushing. "Tastes amazing, can't wait to eat some.", he giggled. And soon the pasta was ready to be eaten. We didn't eat in silence, but we didn't talk all the time either. Sometimes there was a comfortable silence, but we talked too. After dinner, we just sat and talked, but the comfortable silence overcame us again. But when I turned my head towards him, I saw him staring. But he didn't turn away, and we lost ourselves in each other's eyes. The moment was perfect and I didn't want to destroy it, but I couldn't keep myself from leaning in. I couldn't think straight anymore and leaned in closer. He did too and our lips touched. It was overwhelming and a sweet kiss. We weren't snogging, just sweetly kissing. My heart was beating as if I was running a marathon, but I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. Our lips moved in sync and I put my hand on his cheek. But he suddenly broke the kiss, which caused a firm pain shooting through my chest. He shot up from the sofa and stumbled back. I looked up at him with red cheeks and wide eyes. Did I cross a line? "Lou, I'm sorry...", I said, but he just shook his head and rushed out the front door. Leaving me with a hurting heart.

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