'The Bloody Prelude'

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"No one living has heard of the city of my birth" The voice was as deep as the ocean, but it sounded so smooth...And yet, it was also incredibly sinister. The silhouette in the darkroom shows a tall, lanky man wearing a black waistcoat with a red button-up shirt beneath, accompanied with black pants and tie. Covering his shoulders and draping off of his chair was a red tailcoat, that seemed to flow like streams of blood while he had his arms crossed. All of the facial features that could be made out with what little light there was inside the room were the highlights of his hair, crimson red, like the colour of blood with two different shades, along with a few black accents running through them. Then, there were his two glowing red eyes that shone like rubies in a treasure box in the dark. Although they held a calm demeanour, these eyes belonged to a rampant and deranged serial killer that can go from a calm and collected gentleman to a crazed psychopath in the blink of an eye.

But what topped it off was the final feature of his face, a horrendous, insane smile that had been edged into the corners of his lips as a little red liquid drips down from his lips and chin, dropping off and onto the floor below. All the while, he had limp finger dangling from his mouth as if it were a took pick.

This was the story, of Izuku Midoriya. Or as the world came to know him, as Carnage.

"Twenty years ago was when it all started, when I was just four years old." The screen suddenly flashes and brings us directly in front of a shaking, fear-induced eyes, that jumped from target to target before suddenly, the owners' head was impacted by heavy book colliding with his skull. The young boy fell over onto his side, clutching his temple as he shook violently from the hit he just took while also feeling incredibly scared from what would happen. "Get up Deku! We're not done yet!" The voice belonged to a young boy, who looked about just the same age this one, but who had ash-blonde, spiky hair with deeper red eyes. Meanwhile, the boy that had just taken a hardcover book to his cranium had florescent, messy green hair that made him look like an overgrown broccoli stick. He turned to the blonde kid, revealing his emerald green eyes with tears welling up as he held an expression of pain, fear and sadness, his tiny body trembling with all of these emotions. "K-Kaachan, w-w-why are you doing this?"

At this, the smirk the blonde kid held on his face grew as he responded to the kids' question. "Isn't it obvious Deku? Without a quirk, you're completely useless! Heck, it's even in your name, isn't that right Deku!?" Izuku was hurt beyond belief, the boy that he apply named Kaachan used to be a good friend to him. And so, with the diagnosis coming out saying that he was quirkless, and with this information coming out, the blonde took every opportunity he could to pile into the greenette. Not a day went by without hearing cruel words from his classmates in kindergarten, although the teachers tried to minimize the ridicule he got for something he had no control over, but none of it was helping. Izuku was starting to get sick of being called useless for something he was born with, and with seeing his bully setting off little sparks in his hand, the green-haired kid got up and made a run for it. All the while, as he ran away from the playground, he had to put up with Kaachans' heckling the whole time. "THAT'S RIGHT, RUN AWAY IZUKU, RUN AWAY LIKE THE USELESS DEKU THAT YOU ARE!"

Clenching his fists even tighter as he ran with the tears threatening to escape his eyes again, Izuku ran as fast as his little legs would carry him. "The fact that I was 'diagnosed' as quirkless, meaning I don't have superpowers like the other 80% of the planet, made me a target for mockery and despisal. I continued to run past the districts, past the many other playgrounds, and even past my own home. There was no way I was going into the same house as those two dogs I called my parents, they constantly argued with each other, my dad's a smuggler, while my mom pretty much had other men hip deep in her 24/7. On top of that, I never understood why, after my diagnosis, they hated my guts so much. What I was, was their son, their child!"

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