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Preview: Kaminari starts his period and his friends help him feel better.

Warning: Trans!Kami, mentions of body dysphoria

Ship: ShinKami

I wake up feeling like crap already. I have some cramps in my stomach but think nothing of it until I stand up and see the red stain marks on my sheets.

"You got to be kidding me!" I groan. I walk the fees feet to my calendar to see that sure enough it's shark week.

After taking a deep breath to will away all the body dysphoria I walk to my closet to get an outfit. Today is Saturday so at least I'm not going to school. I grab my binder, an oversized hoodie and swear pants then make my way to the bathroom.

After slipping on everything I find it a kind of hard to breathe but decide to clean up my room before I make the decision to keep my binder on or off. I strip my bed throwing the white sheets into my hamper. I then pick up a few school text books that I threw on the ground yesterday.

After doing those things I feel out of breath and realize that I'm going to have to go through the day with out my binder. And just when I thought my body dysphoria couldn't get any worse.

After changing so I have a bra on I go down stairs to see the squad and my boyfriend watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S but as soon as I reach the landing it's paused. They all look at me slightly concerned.

"You good Kami?" Mina asks and I frown.

" 'm fine. Just been wearing my binder too much so I can't wear it today." I reply with half of the story.

Sero moves to start the TV show again but Kirishima grabs his arm to stop him. "And, Pikachu?" Bakugou snarls.

I look down before mumbling, "And I'm on my period."

Both Kiri and Sero jump up. "You need chocolate?! I'm sure there's some in the kitchen!"

Kirishima takes off from where Sero stoped. "Yeah! We'll go get it!!" And they both scramble over each other to look for some.

Bakugou scoffs. "Tch, idiots. Do you want me to grab my heating pad or some shit because that actually helps?"

I nod my head weakly and he walks up the stairs Bakugou style. I make my way to the couch and sit down beside my boyfriend.

"Jokes on him, chocolate does help." Mina grumbles in hopes of making me smile. It doesn't work.

Shinso rubs my arm lovingly and I lean into him. "What's wrong?"

"I just feel bad for making it a big deal. It's normal for girls to-" Shinso cuts off my mumbling.

"But." He squeezes my arm. "You are not a girl." I nod my head weakly.

"Here!" Sero shouted once he re-entered the room. Him and Kirishima both ran as fast as they could to me and dumped a handful of candy that had very little chocolate and Mina proudly pointed that out.

"That's barely any chocolate!" Sero scrambled to hide behind Kirishima.

Kirishima stammered out an answer. "B-But! It's not like we can go the store!"

Mina opened her mouth to say something like they can but I cut her off. "It's no big deal. Thanks guys." They nodded there heads in a way to say 'you're welcome'.

Bakugou came down the stairs and scoffed once he saw the candy. With one hand he swiped most of the candy off ignoring our friends protests. Bakugou plugged in the heating pad then demanded I lay down.

"Be nicer." Shinso growled back clearly protective of me.

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Get that stick out of your ass. I'm helping your boyfriend."

Shinso grumbled something under his breath before helping me lay down with my head on his lap. As soon as I did that he started lazily running his fingers through my hair and I smiled lightly. I'm like a cat in the sense that I love people playing with my hair.

Bakugou laid it down on my stomach and I felt the warm heat already helping me feel better. I sent a smile at him and he just rolled his eyes again. After playing with the heat setting he went back to his seat and sat down.

I picked up a piece of chocolate that was still on the couch and undid the wrapper before popping it in my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sero and Kiri beam and Bakugou scowl. I chuckled lightly and simply passed back a piece of chocolate to Shinso. Still out of the corner of my eye I saw Sero reach forward for some of my stash but Mina slapped his hand away. To be honest I'm great full she did that because I might have put him in a choke hold.

"But he gave Shinso some!" Sero whisper hissed and I tired not to laugh at him.

"Yeah, he gave it to Shinso. Shinso didn't just grab a piece!" She snapped back.

"Bu-" At this point I'm done with the conversation so I threw some candy at them. Not chocolate because I'm keeping the food stuff.

Kirishima got up and threw his weight on to Bakugou this time I didn't stifle my laughter.

"What the fuck was that for!?" Bakugou shouted with red cheeks.

Kirishima pouted. "I'm bored."

He rolled his eyes in hopes of hiding the fact he's embarrassed. (He isn't doing it well) "Then lets watch something. Dunce Face! What do you want to watch?!"

My eyebrows furrowed. "Why me?"

"Because body dysphoria can suck my dick. Hurry up and pick!" I smiled before saying Mulan because Shang Li really did make a man out of me.

(some one commented this and it's one of my favorite comments

(some one commented this and it's one of my favorite comments

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As the into to the movie started I couldn't help but smile brightly. Even though I'm dealing with my period and body dysphoria my friends and boyfriend will always be there for me.

I snuggle into Shinso and he runs his fingers through my hair.

I can't thank them enough.

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