Wedding Day ❤️🌀

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Preview: The epilogue chapter in my book Never Again- Signed, the Flowers

Warning: Not really a different au but in the book it is

Ship: ShinKami

I watch as Hitoshi nervously runs up to the flower delivery guys. I walk a bit closer to them so I can hear what they are talking about because Toshi seems distressed.

"No! I told you any flowers but these!" He shouts waving his hands and gesturing to the flowers I can't see.

I frown and place a hand on his shoulder. "Hitoshi what's wrong?" He tenses and I finally see the flowers that were delivered.


My eyes widen slightly and I lean forward and pull one from the flower arrangement. I twirl it between my fingers and bring it to my noise to smell the slightly nauseating sent. I carefully place it back into its rightful spot in the arrangement.

"Denki, don't worry! I'll have them be sent back and-" Hitoshi starts slightly frazzled.

"It's perfect." I interrupt him as he looks at me like I'm slightly crazy. "Now all we need to do is buy a cat." I giggle.

He rolls his eyes before pulling me into an embrace. "And this is why I'm going to marry you."

I giggle again this time feeling giddy. Just six months ago I was standing in the middle of a press conference, tears in my eyes, with my boyfriend on his knee in front of me. It might not seem romantic but just the night before I had a very heartfelt conversation with Hitoshi saying I want to go public with our relationship. Our close friends knew that we were dating but no one else because we both feared villains using the other as a weakness but I wanted, still want, to shout from the roof tops that Hitoshi Shinso is mine and only mine.

I gently push him away with my eyes widened. "Holy shit! Your not suppose to look at me!" I quickly cover his eyes and he throws on a lopsided smile.

"But I want to see my beautiful husband to be!" He whines pulling slightly at my hands.

I pout even though he can't see me and keep my hands where they rest. "You and I both know Mina would kill me if she knew you even had the chance to glance at me."

I can tell that he rolls his eyes even with them covered. "Fine. I keep my eyes closed for now but I need to run so I can get dressed in my tux."

I smile brightly and lower my hands. True to his word he keeps his eyes closed. I place a quick kiss on his lips before rushing back to finish some last minute details.


I hear the generic wedding song start and I round the corner with Mr. Aizawa. I hold tightly to his arm as I look over all of my friends smiling faces.

"Calm down Kaminari or you might short circuit." He teases and I let out a little laugh.

After scanning over all my friends I look down at the floor. "I'm just so nervous." I admit.

He rubs my arm lightly. "I understand but why aren't you looking forward?"

"I don't know if I can handle seeing him with out crying." I admit. At this point we are over halfway done with the walk and I still haven't seen a single glance of my soon to be husband.

"It's okay to cry. Look up." And with his encouraging words I do.

As soon as I look up time seems to slow down to a stop. Hitoshi stands with one hand placed over his mouth and joyful tears prickling his eyes. He is wearing a black tux with a purple vest under it. And to pull off the look he has a yellow corsage in his pocket. It matches with my black tux, yellow vest, and purple corsage but that's not what I care about at this moment. In this moment all I care about is how happy I am to soon be able to call this man my husband.

I step up and stand in front of him with the preacher on our side and all our friends and family on the other side. Some tears fall past my eyes as I look at him. God, I'm in love.

The preacher starts to talk but I can't help but zone out taking in every detail I can about my true love. His lavender hair is gelled back, a slightly weird look in him but still gorgeous. His eyes hold so much emotion seeming to be filled to the brim with joy. Hitoshi's lips are pump and rosy red and I can't help but wonder why I have to wait till we are married to kiss him.

"Denki! Are you paying attention?" The words pass from those perfect lips and I am suddenly pulled out of my thoughts. My cheeks redden and I shake my head slightly.

"Huh?" A short round of laughter sounds from the small crowd and Hitoshi rolls his eyes with a smile. "I'm sorry. I was just wondering why I can't just kiss you right now." Another round of laughter sounds, this one shorter then the last.

"He asked you if you will take me to be to be your husband. Through thick and thin, sickness and health, and to love me for the rest of your days."

"Yes! Yes I do!" I shout grabbing his hands in mine. He smiles at me.

I faintly hear the preacher say something along the lines of 'I now pronounce you partners for life' but I don't even let him finish before I smash my lips on to Hitoshi's.

I am now Denki Shinso for the rest of my days.

Look at that, I am capable of writing fluff! It's really crazy that I didn't have someone randomly almost die in this but if you want death so to the Zombie one. MUHaHaHA!

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