Punishment P1🖤⚠️

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Preview: As long as I follow the rules I won't be punished. I'm good. I'm respectful. I don't deserve to be punished.

Warning: Abuse

Ship: ShinKami

I tap my foot up and down on the floor impatiently.

How long does a minute take?!

Finally after a few hours— in retrospect a few seconds— it finally becomes twelve o'clock. I tap send on the message that had been typed up for a while.

MY Baby
Can I please go to the common room?

Boyfriend 💕
Don't go to anyone's room. Don't eat. Don't talk to Bakugou or Kirishima

Check, check, and why? I know better to question him directly but I wish I could talk to my friends. I rarely talk to them anymore but I'll follow directions.

I'm good. I'm respectful. I don't deserve to be punished.

I make my way downstairs after making sure my phone is in my pocket. I wave at everyone when I get down but catch the sight of both Bakugou and Kirishima coming over to talk to me. They both look determined and honestly, worried to death.

Sadly, I turn around around make my way across the room away from them. I find myself sitting on the couch next to Shinso.

I smile at him. "Hey!"

He glances up from his book. "Hello Kaminari."

The simple sentence almost makes me burst with joy. Well that's until he leans forward and grabs an sandwich off of a napkin.

It looks so good. Is that only because I don't eat much? It's not that I don't want to it's that I can't. I'm not allowed to eat when I wasn't given permission. That's why I'm not going to, I follow the rules.

I'm good. I'm respectful. I don't deserve to be punished.

"Uh, Kaminari? Do you want some?" I snap out of my haze and shake my head quickly.

"Oh no! I'm good!" I force a smile. Don't think about the food. Just don't.

He frowns. "Are you sure? I don't mind."

My voice comes harshly. "I'm fine."


"Hey Kaminari can we talk to you? Please?" Kirishma begs.

I look at him hesitantly. I'm suppose to go back to my room soon and I'm not allowed to talk to him but he seems desperate. Maybe just this once...


He glances over at Bakugou then starts talking. "We have noticed that you don't really hang around the squad anymore and we're wondering-"

Bakugou interrupts him. "What the hell dunce face?! Why are you avoiding us!?"

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "I'm not! I swear! I-!"

"Kaminari. Come here." This time I'm the one being interrupted by a cold and harsh voice.

I force a smile so they don't think anything's up. "I..I got to go! Bye!"

I turn on my heel and rush to my boyfriend but not before hearing Bakugou muttering something about me choosing him over them. He grabs my arm and we start walking up the stairs in tension. Finally once we reach our floor he speaks.

"What did I tell you?" He whispers deadly calm.

Tears appear in my eyes. "Not t-talk to them but-!"

He tugs my arm and trows me into the room successfully cutting me off. I trip over my feet and fall on to the floor. I look up in fear.

I'm not good. I'm disrespectful. I d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ deserve to be punished.












I look down at my phone clock. Three AM. I look back at the mirror to see the outline of my fully dressed body.

I shouldn't do this. I already got punished once today, I don't want to be punished again. It hurt so badly and then I was locked up in the closet. The quite was almost worse then the yelling. But the only way to guarantee it will never happen again is to do this. Hopefully.

I carefully my room and stay still outside the door expecting him to come running and threatening to hurt me for breaking the rules. That doesn't happen. My breathing becomes a little more steady and I pad my way quietly down the hallway.

I climb the stairs in hoping that it will be quieter then the elevator. I make it to the level above mine then fasten my pace to the last door on the floor. Then I stop.

Here I am in front of his door but what do I do? Do I knock and risk him hearing? Or do I just bust in? What if he's asleep? Do I wake him up? And after I finally enter what do I-

The door swings open and Shinso looks shocked to see me.

"Kaminari?" I stay still like as if somewhere in my brain I think he's like a T-Rex, don't move and he won't see you. He isn't. "Kaminari? Are you okay?"

That simple sentence make me break down. I grab him and hug him tightly as tears stream down my face. Sob after sob passes my lips and he swiftly moves us into his room.

I'm not okay. I haven't been able to eat a full meal in over a month. I'm not okay. I haven't been able to talk to my friends without permission. I'm not okay. My boyfriend punishes me and for some reason I think he's justified to. I'm not okay. I'm scared. I'm not okay. But I constantly say I am. I'm not okay. I just want to be me again.

"Kaminari you need to breathe before you have a full fledged panic attack. Breathe." I nod my head and weakly pull away from him.

I see shock register his features as he looks over my bruised body. He can tell that most of the bruises are new but others are at least a week old. He knows that I have been hiding them.

I just focus on breathing.

He rubs my arm after I calmed down. "Kaminari... if your ready... can you tell me what happened? What's wrong?"

And I do.

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