Meet The Parents🖤❤️

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Preview: Denki wishes that when Hitoshi meets his father that it will be as perfect as it was when he met Hitoshi's dads but he knows it won't.

Warning: Abuse, negligence, homophobia

Ship: ShinKami

"Are you sure?" I ask for what's probably the hundredth time.

He chuckles, "Yes Denki. I'm sure. Also stop being so nervous, I'm the one who is suppose to be scared to meet your parents. Not you."

I nod my head. "I know. Sorry."

"It's okay." He says while giving my shoulder a slight squeeze.

I finally stop walking in front of my house. I can tell Hitoshi is surprised by how run down it is but doesn't say anything. I take a deep breath and open the door.

We walk into the trashed small space I call my living room. It is beer cans and glass bottles everywhere and some random wadded up papers scattering the floor. With a blush I quickly grab as much as I can and throw it in the trash can next to the kitchen.

"Sorry about the mess." I say with a nervous chuckle at the end. My house is extremely small and run down and I'm aware of that. Having already been to Shinsou's house I know that my entire house can fit in his living room and kitchen.

He sends me a smile. "It's okay."

"Oi brat! Do something useful and grab me a beer!" My excuse of a father calls from our only couch.

I wince and send Hitoshi an apologetic look and quickly rush to our near empty fridge and grab a beer. I scurry to my father and give it to him.

I shift on my heals as I speak, "Um, dad? There is someone I would like you to meet."

Seeing that it's his cue, Hitoshi walks the small distance to us and smiles at the fat slob slouching on the couch. "My name is Hitoshi Shinsou, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The hand my boyfriend had extended was given a glass bottle of alcohol that's half empty. "Drink up." My father slurred.

My face paled and I quickly grabbed the bottle away from Hitoshi who was standing still in shock. "I-I'm going to get dinner ready. Hitoshi, can you help me?"

He nodded and we quickly left the room and to the kitchen. I placed the bottle down on the counter and turned to him. I whispered to him so my father can't hear me, "I'm so sorry. I understand if you want to leave a..and-"

"Denki." He said placing his hands on my shoulders and cutting me off. "It's okay. I'm not going to leave just like that, okay? Just breathe."

I nodded my head and he pulled me into a hug. I breathed in his sent and felt myself relax even more. He's right. I'm okay. Everything's okay.

I pull away from the hug and go to the small pantry (I see you pan readers) and pull out some cheep spaghetti. Sadly in this house that was a special occasion meal. Normally I didn't eat much for my meals and when I came to UA the food was too much for me to eat so I ended up throwing up almost everyday. I started to eat smarter and slowly built up my tolerance to that amount of food. Hitoshi knew I had trouble with eating but now he knows why.

I open the package and point to a cabinet. "Can you grab the sauce pan? It should be down there." He fills it up with water before passing it to me. I dump the contents of the package I'm holding into it and put it on the stove. I turn the nob and a small flame comes below the sauce pan and grab my wooden spatula that was resting next to the stove and start stirring.

Shinsou moves behind me and rest a hand on my shoulder before moving to the fridge. I grab his wrist and send him a look. He smiles at me, "I'm not going to judge I'm just going to see if there is anything I can make a sauce out of."

"Okay." I say and let go of his wrist. Hitoshi pulls out a few things and starts working on something to make dinner taste better.

After about a half hour of cooking we finish and I bring full plates to the table. "Dinners ready!" I call to my father and prepare myself for his response.

"Then why the fuck is it not in front of me!?" He shouts back bitterly and I can't look at Hitoshi in the eye anymore.

I shift uncomfortably. "Why don't we have dinner at the table tonight? Since we have a guest?"

He comes walking over to us and grumbles as he sits down. Hitoshi pulls out a chair for me across from my father and I thank him as I sit. He then sits next to me. For the beginning of the meal it is silent other then the scraping of forks on our plates. I shift in my chair and hold Hitoshi's hand even tighter then before while resting our hands on my lap.

The silence overwhelms me and decide it is time to tell my dad why Hitoshi is here. "Um, father? There is something I want to tell you."

He doesn't even look up from the pasta as he replies uninterested, "What?"

I send Hitoshi a nervous smile before looking back at my father. "Well, Hitoshi and I are dating."

He freezes with his fork falling from his finger tips. After the initial shock wore off a look of pure anger was placed on his face. He stood up and banged his hands on the table. "NO WAY IN HELL IS MY SON GOING TO BE SOME USELESS FAGGOT!"

I wince as tears pop into my eyes. "I..I'm sorry, I-I'm s..sorry, I'm s-sorry-" I start to apologize repeatedly before Hitoshi cuts me off.

"You don't have to apologize for being bisexual, your father is the one who needs to apologize. Not just for this but for how he treats you!" Hitoshi defends me as he stands up as well. I find myself rising to my feet and grab on to my boyfriends arm.

"Fuck you," my father spits at us.

I cling tighter to my boyfriends arm sobbing and he wraps his free arm around me. "We are leaving," he spits bitterly before heading to the door and slamming it after we step out.

"I'm s..sorry!" I apologize while burying my face into his chest.

He rubs my back comfortingly, "It's okay Denki. It will all be okay."


This is probably the best day of my life.

Well.... second best.

After what happened with my dad I spent the night at Hitoshi's and Aizawa didn't even force me to sleep in a different room since he saw how distraught I was. It ended up that I moved in full time to the dorms. My father got charged with negligence and abuse so I was moved into the foster system. And sure that seems scary but it really isn't. I spend most of my time at the dorms but have to spend the weekend at this place with a bunch of kids and a really nice lady. They have a super strict schedule though so I'm actually have to stuff instead of hanging out with my friends but that doesn't mean they never let me out.

Anyways, I have never been happier for my father to scream at me for being bi in front of my boyfriend.

Eh. My writing is improving but I still don't like it.

Till Next Time

Denki Kaminari OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now