Love In Your Eyes❤️

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Preview: Why did Mei even make that type of eye drops?!

Ship: ShinKami

"Whoa. You look really ho-" I quickly close my eyes and shake my head.

"Kaminari! What was that for!?" Uraraka shouts at me with probably pink cheeks. Or pinker cheeks.

Bakugou grumbles out an explanation. We both went to get improvements on our hero equipment but a girl with pink hair who looked like she lived in dust ended up forcing me to put some weird drops in my eyes and now whenever I open them whoever I make eye contact with I fall in love with. So all in all I'm having a great day.

"It's not going to be that different. It's not like he doesn't always flirt with us anyways." I think Jirou said.

I throw open my eyes slightly upset. "Hey- Have your eyes always been so purple? They make me think of violets. Such a pretty flower for such a pretty-"

She quickly covers my eyes. "Okay, got it. Not like normal at all."

"Sorry." I say with a burning face. If someone didn't know the context of what's happening they would surely think I had a fever.

Suddenly I hear laughter and almost look that way but Jirou thankfully keeps her hand over my eyes. "You just became even more of a bisexual disaster! This is hilarious!" Mina shouts out through her laughter.

I shoot a glare at the hand covering my eyes. "Glad I'm entertaining you with me not being able to open my eyes for two seconds with out falling in love with someone."

I feel an arm sling around my shoulder and I jump slightly. "It is kinda funny dude."

"Whatever." I mumble as I pull away from Jirou's hand and look at the ground. I make my way to the couch. This can not be happening to me.

I hear them chat up a storm as I just clean the dirt from under my nails. I sometimes look up only to quickly look down so I don't make eye contact. I know I flirt all the time but mostly it's just jokes and not real at all. And having a crush is totally different from falling in love. I actually felt something when looking at there eyes and it's painful to look away and have a heartbreak within seconds.

"Hello Kaminari." I hear Shinso say as he sits down. A smile quickly comes to my lips and I look up at him.


He gives a light nod my way before looking over the room. "What are you doing?"

I shrug and lean on his shoulder. I feel him stiffen but he otherwise doesn't move. "Nothing, you?"

"Talking with you." My smile grows wider. I love talking to Shinso and especially when he was the one who initiated the conversation.

We chat for a bit about this and that and all my problems from the day seem to vanish. Well before Kirishima came into the room...

"Bro it wore off! Why didn't you tell us?" I heard him shout excitedly from behind me.

"It did? It did!" I shout with glee. My smile grows so big that I have to close my eyes.

"What did?" Shinso asks confused.

I wave him off. "A girl from the general courses put some weird drops in my eyes. Nothing big."

Kirishima snickers. "If randomly falling in live with who you make eye contact with is nothing big. Sure, nothing big."

I turn around to shoot him a glare when suddenly I see all these small details I never noticed about him before. When did he get that small scar above his eye? It makes him look so manly. I wonder if I'm manly in his eyes. I hope I am.

"Uh dude? You okay?" He waves his hand in front of my face and that's all I need to go back to normal. I look down at the ground with wide eyes.

"It's eyedrops that makes you temporally fall in love with whoever you make eye contact with. Well, unless you already love them, then they should do nothing."

"Holy shit. I-I need to go. S..sorry." I quickly stand and stumble out of the room. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

I'm in love with Hitoshi Shinso.

I stumble to the kitchen and see the shoes of my friends.

"Hey Kami! Want to fall in live with one of us? I have been having a bad day and it would really make it better if you-"

"Shut up Mina. I think I'm going to die." She does as I say as soon as the words pass my lips.

"Why honey? Did you flirt with Bakugou or something and he's threatening to kill you?" She asks consented like the mother hen she is.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and am turned around to be met with Shinso's lavender gaze. "Kaminari, are you okay? You spaced out starring at Kirishima then ran away."

I gulp. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? Because if I did something wrong you can tell-"

I shake my head and interrupt him. "You did nothing wrong. I just randomly got hungry and ran to get some food." I let out an awkward chuckle. "I was daydreaming about this super yummy treat I had at my house the other day. It tasted so go-"

He lets out a laugh. "Okay okay, I get it. I'm going to go to my room so see you later." I nod and watch him walk away.

"I wore off!" Mina says happily as she spins me around. I make eye contact and regret every decision I have ever made.

"I wish you were straight. I'm not going to say something like I can make you straight because you don't deserve someone like me. You deserve the world and I hope when you find someone to love as much as I love you that they treat you right." I say starring at her beautiful yellow eyes.

She quickly shoved my head down and shame builds up in my chest. "Sorry."

"It's fine but if it's still working why were you acting normal with Shinso?" She asks like anyone would.

"I'm in love with Shinso." I barely get out above a whisper.

"What?!" I whip around to see a him.


Haha I'm leaving y'all on a cliffhanger cause I'm evil.

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