Fainting 🖤

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Preview: Kaminari is diagnosed with anorexia but doesn't tell anyone. What happens when he and the squad gets a detention where the are forced to exercise?

Warning: Dumb Kaminari who ignores doctors, anorexia, fainting, happy ending

Ship: ShinKami

"You have been diagnosed with anorexia."

My brows furrow and I shake my head in confusion. "What?"

He sighs and starts to flip pages he has in his clipboard. "It means you don't eat when you should. Most cases are because the person with anorexia think that they are fat or overweight."

"B-but I am overweight!" I shout out without thinking.

He flips his clipboard and point at a number. "No, you are actually underweight. 85 pounds. That is super unhealthy, most kids your age weigh the lowest of 118 pounds." He flips it back around and scribbles something down then rips it off. He passes it to me. "I want you to give this to your homeroom teacher next time you see them. You are dismissed."

I stand up and grab the paper. On the way out I read it.

Dear Kaminari's teacher,
Kaminari just had his yearly physical and was diagnosed with anorexia. He said in response to the diagnoses, 'But I am overweight'. Because of that I wish that you will force him to eat lunch in your room until you can trust he can eat it on his own.
Signed, Dr. Ishi
(Aka Dr. Doctor. I know, I'm hilarious)

I roll my eyes then tear the paper into shreds once out of sight of anyone. I don't need help, I'm fine.


It's been two weeks since my doctors appointment and nothing has changed. I'm still healthy and happy, well as healthy as I can be.

"I can't believe we got detention." Kirishima whined with his ever so present smile.

Bakugou snarled. "It's because of these idiots. If you shut up for once in your life I wouldn't have to be here." He shot a glare towards everyone but his boyfriend.

Mina just rolls her eyes as we pull up to the tract and see Mr. Aizawa.

"For your detention you will be doing wind sprints. Running the straights of the track and walking the curves. Sadly I won't be able to watch over you because all of UA staff have a meeting so I am having someone I trust look over you. Hitoshi." Once he was called the hot god with messy purple hair and designer eye bags walks over.

Like as if he would ever like someone as fat as you.


Mr. Aizawa leaves and we all start running. Maybe all this running will help me lose some weight. If so I should make this a daily thing. The first couple of laps are easy but the longer we go the more pain I find myself in. It doesn't help any that I haven't been walking the curves.

"Pikachu! Stop running the whole thing! You need to walk!" Bakubro yells from in front of me.

I run a bit faster and smile. "I, I have. Don't worry." I panted out.

His face contorts and he throws me the finger. "I wasn't worrying!" I shake my head and smile.


Denki Kaminari OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now