Haunted House P2🖤❤️⚠️🌀

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Preview: When the group of teens come back to my house the author finds a way to slightly un-traumatize herself.

Warning: Slight gore, murder, kiribaku

Ship: ShinKami

My glaze is glossed over as I hug my knees to my chest. Bones litter my vision causing another tear to slip down my otherwise empty face. It's been over a week since I found my body and I haven't moved once.

Apparently my ghost figure isn't the only thing that becomes visible from one to three in the morning, my dead body does too. That's the only way I know time has passed at all.

All this time I have been wanting to know how I died only to come face to face with the truth. My mother's boyfriend killed my family in front of me, cut me up, then ate me while I was still alive. No wonder I'm a ghost.

As if by some magical click my body appears again and I tense. By now I have noticed smaller details I didn't the first time. He has foam coming out of his mouth. Both of our eyes are open. I looked like I was still screaming before dying. All in all it's too much for me to bear. I burry my head into my legs and let out sobs. I wish I was dead.


Shinso POV:

"Why are we going back here?" Mina asks as she nervously rubs her arms.

I just crawl in as Jirou speaks. "This is the first time you left your room in over a week and you want to come back here?!"

I shoot them all a glare to silence them. "None of you guys saw what I did. I want to... I want to see if it all was a figment of my imagination or no-"

"Let me die!" Someone screams cutting me off. My eyes widen along with all of my other friends and we all rush towards the noise not caring about our safety.

"Please! I just want to be free!" The pleads are followed by loud sobs and as soon as we reach the third story I see where it's coming from. The attic.

"I'm not going up there." Sero says while taking a step back.

Kirishima steps back too. "I'll stay with him."

I simply nod my head but I take note of the relieved look on Bakugou's face because his boyfriends not going to see the possibly haunting sight. I climb up the latter and throw open the door to be met with the nauseating sent. I force myself not to stare too long at the body's before meeting the eyes of the sobbing ghost.

As soon as he sees me fear is shown in his eyes and I suddenly become scared myself for no reason. It must be because of his ghostly powers or something. He stands up somehow even though he himself is a slightly see through color along with some white and a dash of blue. I quickly climb the rest of the way up causing him to step back even though there are boxes behind him. They just go through his legs.

"Oh my god." I hear Jirou say followed by the sound of someone throwing up. I turn around slightly to see Mina not even fully up the latter but barfing her guts out. I turn back around expecting, Kaminari was it?, to be looking at Mina or possibly still staring at me but instead his eyes are towards the bodies. The feeling of fear is replaced by sadness and I carefully walk over to him.

"Is that you?" He jumps and whips his head to me only to look back at the bodies again. He nods.

I walk over to the bloody bodies and Bakugou sends me the look. I don't pay him any place in mind as I bend down carefully and close the little boys eyes who couldn't be any older or younger then my age. I look around for a second before seeing a table cloth with a hole in it and grab it. I drape it over the boys body so his, well organs, can't be seen anymore.

I stand up and move to the older persons body only for Kaminari to shout to me. "Wait!" He quickly glides so he's next to me and I feel a cold sensation on my wrist as he grabs it. I turn to him with a frown as he hides behind me.

"Wait. H-He," a shiver runs from his body to mine and realization comes.

"He's who killed you?" He moves so he's even more hidden behind my body before nodding.

I look over the man with a frown as the boy trembles. "Do you want me to cover him up so you can't see him?"

Hi eyes widen as he tugs me away from the body. "I..I don't want him to hurt you!"

Mina speaks for the first time since throwing up. "He's a ghost too?!?"

Her statement causes him to panic even more. "He is?!"

"Guys calm down." I say in hopes of, well calming down, the two almost hysterical people/ghost. "He's not a ghost. Let me put the cloth over him."

The boy carefully lets go of me and I walk over to him making sure to grab the most ugly and torn sheet I could find before draping it over him and most of the guts.

"Let's go down stairs."


Kaminari POV

"That is terrible." Kirishima says from where he is seated in the circle. I nod my head.

Shinso looks over at me with a frown. "I am so sorry you had to go through that. I know if I had to see both of my dads get killed and my little sister that I would be a much meaner ghost then you."

My eye brows furrow. "Dads?"

His eyes widen and his mistake or maybe slip up and he quickly looks over the group who each hold a similar worried face. Well besides Mina. "He has two dadss because they are gay."

"Like Mr. Fungual?!" I shout slightly shocked. It's their trim to look at me with confusion in their eyes. "He was a homeless man that Mama always fed because she said to be nice to people no mater what."

Kirishima nod his head. "I think so? Here, let me show you gay." (By far my favorite line I have ever wrote) He grabs Bakugou roughly by the front of his shirt and slams his lips into the shocked blondes.

"EEEK!" I shout and quickly cover my eyes. "Stop! Your not suppose to do that in front of others!"

"Why not?" Shinso asks with a slightly disappointed tone.

I carefully uncover my eyes. "Do you guys not do that anymore? You can't kiss someone in front of someone else. It is common cursitory!"

All of them seem to relax and they start laughing at my so called 'innocence'.

I just smile at them because for the first time in a while, I have friends again.

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