Unheard P1🌀❤️

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Suggested By: @Keniadraws I kind of changed it sorry •-• I was going to have quirks but then the more I wrote the less sense it made to add them. I hope this is okay.

Preview: Denki and the squad go to a new coffee shop. Mina has the hopes of scoring Denki a man/woman.

Warning: Deaf!Kaminari, offensive remarks about Deaf people, some SeroMina

Ship: ShinKami

[This one is different so here's some hints for when I'm writing:
"Word" -Normal conversation
"Word" - Signed conversation
'Word' - Written conversation
——— - Can't hear that part of the conversation

Most people have curtain things they assume about Deaf/Mute people so I did research! (Like I do for everything I write)

-Denki knows sign, he just doesn't like to
-Denki can speak but has a 'Deaf accent'
-Deaf people can drive and actually are better drivers then most. Denki's the Bakusquad go to driver
-Denki isn't ashamed of being Deaf along with some of the Deaf Community
-Deaf is a wide term, Denki is almost completely Deaf but can hear curtain noises but the few he can hear hurt his ears. Because of that he chooses not to wear his hearing aids.
-Hearing aid's don't restore sounds only amplify. That's why Denki doesn't wear his since he doesn't want to amplify the loud sounds that he is sensitive to.
-Denki is one of the few Deaf people who happen to be naturally skilled at reading lips. The same isn't true for everyone

Denki touching his neck to speak and making noises was made up. I don't know if that's realistic or not.

For more information of what's a myth and what's a fact go to these websites:


Weebly › deafeducationworldwide › ...Web resultsStereotypes and Misconceptions About Deaf People - Deaf Education: Global Perspectives

Deaf Unity › article-interview › deb...Top 8 Myths About Deafness You Need To Know | Deaf Unity

I want to be a special needs teacher so getting stuff like this right is really important to me. I don't know yet what I want to specialize in but it's still really important to me. Please don't comment something disrespectful like: "it doesn't make sense for Denki to drive because he's deaf" I looked it up. He can drive. There is no hearing test as a part of your driving test.

Thank you now to the actually book part!]

"Come on Kami! Please!" Kirishima begged. I get that I'm a good driver but I don't want to have to drive all the time. I voiced my opinion.

"Why can't Bakugou drive? It's his car." I keep my hand on my throat knowing that I'll reply soon. When I put two fingers on my throat it makes it easier for me to speak. That way I can keep my voice somewhat balanced.

He pouts which makes his lips a little harder to read. "Because your the best driver! Please!"

I sigh. "Fine." I finally remove my fingers from my throat and go to the car.

Out of the corner of my eye I catch Mina saying something about "This is why we are ——— going ——— be friends. Because ——— need our DD." I try not to be hurt that I only picked up a little.

I climb in and Bakugou passes me the keys. I'm the only one he lets drive on a regular basis which makes me a little proud. I crank up the car only to hear loud music. I slam my hand over the radio nob and quickly turn it down. I whip around so I'm facing the back.

"Who put the music up that high!" My voice probably sounded even worse then normal since I didn't put my hand up to regulate my speech. I'm not full Deaf only partly. I can hear loud noises but the hurt my ears when I do and the squad knows that.

All of them look at me shamefully—besides Bakugou but even he shows a little shame—before Sero swallows. "Mina and I went out to bye grocery's and turned the music up. We forgot to turn it back down, sorry."

I nod my head and raise my hand. "It's fine."

I turn the radio back up a little for them, I'm not an ass just because I can't hear. I start driving.

They talk during the ride but I don't pay it any place in mind. It's hard to lip read and drive and I don't want to get in a wreak.

Sometimes I will make random noises and I can only tell because Bakugou, who is sitting in the front seat, will glance at me. I don't mean to make noises but it's hard to tell if I'm thinking in my head or not. I also have a slight accent when I talk, or so I have been told by the looks I receive when I talk in public. That's why I keep a hand on my throat when I talk. But the squad has never judged me for either of those or any other weird thing I do because I can't hear and that's all I could ever ask for.

I pull up to the coffee shop that we just heard about the other day and climb out. I turn to the group and Mina smiles as she talks.

"OMG! I heard that most of the waiters are teenagers and hot!" She squeals.

Sero shoots her a glare. "Your dating me remember?" She rolls her eyes.

"I know that. I was just saying because someone," she points to me, "doesn't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend!"

I roll my eyes. "That's because there all too scared away by my looks." Bakugou snorts.

"Then you go for them first!" I ignore the last comment and make my way inside. The hostess leads us to a table and we sit down.

I look over at the counter where a hot, and I mean hot, purple haired boy around our age was working on a coffee. Kirishima elbowed me.

I look over and he starts to talk but his lips were too hard to read. I frown. "Can you repeat that?"

He nods his head. "Someone's drooling."

I roll my eyes and shove him before looking back at the menu. I'm not going to try to engage in a conversation till after we order. It's too hard to read lips when menus are in the way and once our food arrives I'll escape back into my head too. It's hard to read lips when people chew while talking. The squad try's not to but they forget sometimes.

I feel another elbow, this time from Sero. I look over at him and he gestures ahead of him. I look over and see a waiter with short blonde hair and blue eyes—not my type.

I look down at the menu and don't raise my hand seeing as they are full. "Can I have the Detroit Smash Frapa please?"

After speaking I pass my menu to Mina who collected the rest. She passes it to the guy and he leaves. The group starts talking again.

Surprisingly I find myself not paying attention to them and instead looking at the purple haired boy. Our waiter walks up to him and starts talking. Our table isn't far from them so if I could hear I'm sure I'd be able to hear them. The blonde then says something that causes the purple haired boy to grow a horrified look.

I feel the table vibrate as Bakugou pushes his chair out with a furious look. He snatches a drink from a girl sitting at the table next to ours and I can tell that she made an abjection of sorts to him grabbing it. Then he storms up and walks behind the counter like he owns the place before throwing it at the blonde.

My eyes widen and the rest of the squad stands up, Mina grabbing my arm so I will as well, all of them looking equally as mad. Kirishima passes a ten dolor bill to the lady who Bakugou stole the drink from before storming with the rest of the squad. They all flip off the shocked and mad blonde before pulling me to the car.

What the heck just happened?

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