Chapter Three

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The friendship end miserably

3 years ago...

It was mid-year during their freshman year. Jessie dated Gulf for almost a year right now. Today was a special day for both of them. A day where their loves began to spark. A day that all couple would celebrate their love for each other. A day when they confessed to each other.

"Babe, you know what day is today?" Jessie asked him. They sat on a bench at the campus small park or it can be called a garden because plenty of flowers blossomed there.

"Wednesday..." replied Gulf blandly but he was joking. Of course, he knew what day is today, it the day to celebrate their one year of longing love. Gulf is never a sweet talker and he tried many times to be a sweet talker, he just can't. He is not a romantic person but one thing for sure, he is caring and loving. He really showed effort in their relationship but yeah he is boring.

But these past few months, he had been busy... Jessie pouted at Gulf's reply. Gulf smile warmly and smirked at her.

"Of course I know, darling. Today is our first anniversary. Happy anniversary~" said Gulf cutely while wrinkling his eyes. Jessie could not resist her boyfriend's cuteness, so she pinched Gulf's pointy nose. Gulf frowned for a second. Gulf doesn't even know why he himself dated Jessie despite all of her bad and dark rumors. People say he was blinded.

"Okay.. tonight dinner..promise me you won't be late," said Jessie.

"I don't know if I'm gonna late, I have an interview for a model vacancy today... But I will try to come on time for the dinner okay?" uttered Gulf softly while showing his pinky finger, wanting a pinky promise. She locked her pinky fingers with Gulf's, a promise had been made.

"Okay, don't be late again... I wish you luck with your interview. I am sure you will make it. You are tall, big built, and most importantly, you are handsome~" she said, making Gulf blushed. They separated and went on their own path. Gulf went to the model agency for an interview, Jessie went to her home, picking the best dress for tonight's special dinner.

Gupi: Miu.. I will be late for tonight's show...

Miu: i angy😤 who's gonna play the bass

Gupi: ... 🙄 I am just late, not quitting.

Gupi: Anyways, I'm late because I got an interview for a model vacancy.

Miu: wowowow, my Gupi is a model-to-be. Good luck!

Gupi: Gupi my ass! Also.. I have an anniversary dinner with Jessie.

Miu: Gupi ass is nice😋 Good luck with your dinner too 😄

Gulf smiled when he texted the dirty-minded Mew. Meanwhile, Mew on the other side of the phone... he just sighed. Something about it made him felt slightly hurt in his heart. But, he wished Gulf for the best and hoped Gulf is happy with her. 

Mew and his band played at a club that night. Gulf as their bassist had informed them that he will be late because he had an interview and an anniversary dinner. It was 6.00 PM, Jessie came early to the restaurant that she had booked earlier. Now, she only has to wait for her boyfriend.

Gulf was so focused on the interview that he never once tried to look at his watch, or at least updating the time. As tilted his head to look at the time on his wrist, 7.00 PM. Oh my God, I'm late.

Luckily he brought his suit with him in his car and he just needs a toilet to get a change. And he has forgotten something... he forgot that he had one thing more to do, to pick up the present at the jewelry shop. He wanted to call Jessie but his phone went out of battery... so he just drove quickly to pick up his anniversary present and then went to the restaurant quickly.

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