Chapter Nineteen

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I hate you

"I HATE YOU! I hate you so much!"

Mew felt a stab in his heart.

"I hate you for kissing her back... I hate you for dating her... I hate it when you are with her... I hate that you lied... I hate you for not telling me the truth... I hate you for ruining our friendship... I hate you for hurting me... I hate you for making me crazy... I hate that you played with my heart. I fucking hate you so much!"

"G- Gulf I'm sorry-" stuttered Mew weakly and sadly while holding Gulf's hands.

"CAN YOU FUCKING SHUT UP! I'm not finished yet. I hate you for running away. I hate you for leaving me clueless in 3 years... I hate you for giving up on me easily... I hate you for being a coward!" Gulf formed tears in his eyes and tried to hold them. He gripped Mew's hands harder.

"I hate you for staying away from me. I hate that you avoided me... I hate you for not telling me that you like me earlier... I hate that you act like I didn't exist... I hate you for not talking to me... I hate that you didn't join me for breakfast this morning... do you know how much I hate you for ignoring me?" his tears were already streaming down his cheeks.

Mew widened his pair of eyes. He was confused.

"Gulf... I'm sorry for what I did. I promised it won't happen again..." uttered Mew sadly.

"Don't you fucking get it, Mew? Are you fucking dumb?" Gulf immediately hugged Mew. Mew was startled.

"Don't you get it, Mew? How much I hate you but I hate the feeling when you avoided me, ignored me. Don't you get it how badly I hate you, but I still can't get you out of my mind. I hate you so much... but I couldn't bear staying away from you. Don't you get it, Mew?"

"No matter how much I hate you, but I still crave for your presence.. I want to be hugged by you.. I don't want to be left by you... I want to be loved by you, Mew. Tell me, do you understand that how much I hate you but I can't bear losing you too..? I miss you too" Gulf sobbed. Mew could felt his shoulder was wet.

"I'm here Gulf..."

"Shut up! And I hate that I love you. I LOVE YOU, MEW" he tightened his hug on Mew. Mew caressed his back gently. He was happy with the fact that Gulf returned his feeling. He was tearing up as well. How badly he wanted to hear those 3 words from the person he had a love for so many years.

"It's okay Gulf. You know that I won't leave you anymore. You know that I love you. I love you too, Gulf. I promise I won't run away again. I promise to stay with you. I promise I won't lie to myself anymore that I love you... I promise to be with you forever. I love you so much, Gulf..." uttered Mew sobbingly. Gulf cupped Mew's face to look into each others' wet and puffy eyes. His heart was swelling for Mew, neither was Mew too.

"Can I trust you, Mew?"

"Yes, Gulf. You know how bad I am waiting for this day to come. The day you return your feelin-" Mew couldn't speak anymore as Gulf sealed their lips together.

The time stopped.

He was shocked at first and he slowly returned the kiss. The kiss was not soft and not wild either. The kiss was showing how much they desperate for each other, how much they crave for each other and how much they love each other.

The sound of lips smacking and sucking could be heard, the sound was pretty joyful and filled with love. As they parted their mouth, Gulf tilted his head and secured Mew's tongue. Their tongues were dancing and twisting delightfully, with their heartbeats played like a love song in the background.

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