Chapter Eighteen

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Silence and Cold

Gulf woke up this morning and felt weirdly happy. He was not happy because he's 22 years old and 1 day now. He felt like some heavy burdens that tattooed in his heart for 3 years were gone. The dark things that clung to his heart were replaced by the power of love.

He was relaxing on the couch in the living room. The television was turned on but Gulf wasn't watching it. His mind was elsewhere. He was wondering about the other person's whereabouts.

Where is he?

Maybe he's still sleeping...

He was deep in his thought while looking at Mew's bedroom door. Then, he walked toward the kitchen. He thought of making breakfast... for two-person. He opened the fridge and took some eggs and sausages from it.

"mmmm~ You see-through, right in the heart of me~ You break down my wall.. mmmm~" he was humming a song while cooking. He was making a simple breakfast, scrambled eggs and sausages.

Suddenly, he heard the other person was stepping out of his room. His heart was lighted up when he saw Mew. But Mew just walked straight into the bathroom without bothering the presence of Gulf. Gulf was just glancing at Mew whole the time till he disappeared into the bathroom.

Hurmm? Did he not see me here?

Usually, Mew will approach Gulf first and he will eventually flirt with Gulf. But today, he was odd. Gulf continues to cook. He spooned the scrambled eggs onto a large plate. He even prepared a couple of plates on the dining table. The breakfast was done.

Then, he stared at Mew who just got out of the bathroom. Mew walked straight toward his bedroom without looking at Gulf. His expression was not his daily bubbly smiling, cunning, and annoying face.

"Mew-" simpered Gulf but Mew immediately got into his room.

Gulf could see Mew's expression was cold.

"What the fuck is going on with him!?" he cursed silently. Gulf just waited for Mew. 5 minutes was turning 10, 10 minutes was turning 20. Gulf couldn't wait anymore. He stood and brace himself to walk in front of Mew's bedroom.

He knocked on the door twice. He was chanting internally but Mew wasn't opening the door.

Open please... let's have breakfast

Gulf really doesn't know how to approach people first but this is terrible. He knocked on the door once more time but no response from Mew. He felt like a fool, standing right in front of Mew's door, and got no clue on why his housemate is like this.

Gulf sighed and sulked. He gave up and just had breakfast on his own. He sat down at the dining table and started to eat. His mind and heart were not in ease. He wanted to feel the other person's presence. He also wanted to see the other person's smiles and grins that he always gave to Gulf.

But all of that was disappearing this morning. Mew wasn't in the mood.

Gulf was immediately standing up when he saw Mew was walking out of the room. Just seeing him was enough to hope up Gulf's heart.

"Mew, I made a breakfa-" he could not finish his words as Mew was already leaving the 7077. Gulf felt his heart was hurting at Mew's silent treatment. Gulf had his temper risen.

"Why is he like this! Fuck!" Gulf just left the food on the dining table and immediately dashed into his room. Mew was driving him crazy with the cold and silence. That person was never like this. He did not like the feeling when someone was totally ignoring his presence.

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