Chapter Twenty

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Mew and Gulf woke up only to feel their heads were pounding hardly. Their heads were achingly throbbing.

"Ahh shh.." groaned Gulf while rubbing his head as he sat up on an unfamiliar bed.

"argh.. where are we?" Mew asked while massaging his scalp. They woke up in an unfamiliar room. Their eyes roamed around the room and found the room was radiating too much erotic feelings.

"This bedroom is... kinda sexy.." Mew was approving the bedroom accordingly to his own liking. There are two white bathrobe in the room. Two bottles of lubes and a box of condoms were placed right on the nightstand. He then turned to look at Gulf who was already fuming. Gulf just knew whom this room belong to.

"They better did not put us on sleep because I am going to kill them" said Gulf sternly but was also sexy to Mew. The serious Gulf is always sexy. The knitted eyebrows, the sharp eyes are so sexy.

"What did you said?" asked Mew confusedly while admiring Gulf's sexy aura.

"Why the fuck are you so dumb? This is Bam's room. They drugged us with sleeping pills!" Gulf immediately got up from and banged the door hardly.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! OPEN THE DOOR! I SWEAR TO GOD YOU ARE GOING TO DIE SOON IF YOU DIDN'T OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!! BAM!! MARK!! OPEN! THIS! FUCKING! DOOR!!" Gulf voice was echoing in every corner of 7075 and even a couple houses next to them. Pity 7074, 7073 and 7076 occupants who had to hear his horrible howls.

Mew was shocked. He quickly walked toward Gulf and back-hugged him before Gulf become a monster who could tear down those wall in any seconds. Somehow, Gulf was melting in Mew's hugged.

"Gulfie.. don't be so mad... you know you look so sexy when you are mad.." uttered Mew softly while kissing Gulf's nape. Yes, it was Mark's and Bam's plan.


4 hours earlier...

Mew woke up when he felt the sun was striking onto his face. He groaned and stretched his muscles but he could not move as someone was hugging him during the entire sleep. He tilted his head and was stunned to see his lover's Bambi eyes were staring at him with full love.

"Good morning, Miu love~" Mew was greeted by a lovely smile on Gulf's face who woke up one hour ago just to see the beauty of sleeping Mew. The smile that he never seen for so long, and the smile that he missed. But today, the smile felt different. Only God know how contented Mew's heart is.

"Good morning, boyfriend Gupi~" simpered Mew with a cute eyes smile, giving a delightful sight to the sparkling eyes of Gulf. He still could not believe what had just happened, having Mew called him boyfriend was tickling his heart. Gulf was blushing.

"Someone is shy~" teased Mew. Gulf smiled cutely and he gave smooch kiss on Mew's lips. Mew felt his day was instantly brightened up with that one small cute kiss from Gulf.

Gulf immediately hovered on top of Mew and pinned him down.

"Is there any one day that you will not annoy the hell out of me?" asked Gulf with a cunning smile. He was staring at the ownership mark that he left on Mew's neck.

"But you fell for it..." uttered Mew cunningly before Gulf smashed his lips onto Mew's lips. He hungrily ate Mew's lips. He was ravishing to the tonsil. Mew could not get enough of Gulf's dominating aura since last night. He is so fucking sexy...

Suddenly, the kiss was broke with a grumbling sound from their stomachs. They look at each other before they burst into laughter, filling the room with the song of happiness.

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