Chapter Twenty-five

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My love for you is out of this world 18+

"You wanna see what Kana'alpha can do...?" he added.

Mew saw Gulf's animal was growling in his eyes of fire and death. Gulf's eyes was taunting on him, scaring the hell out of him. Gulf smirked evilly.

He discovered a new side of Gulf.

His little kitten appearance was long gone and not to be found anymore. Something was awaken inside Gulf. Something that is big and monstrous. Something that he kept for so long. Only God and him knew how long he has been keeping it.

A strong and intimidating aura was radiating from Gulf. As if Gulf's testosterone level was at its peak, but what he saw on Gulf is way beyond the peak. The sexual energy that Gulf released is astronomical. It is too intense.

The heat in 7077 was way too high. Fuck air-conditioner, both of them were sweating profusely while what they did were just staring at each other and not moving at all. The heat of desire that Gulf brought is out of mind.

Mew just gulped hardly. Gulf was on fire.

"i.. I actually.. have seen you fucked me.. in my dream.." stuttered Mew badly. Gulf raised his brows and smirked in a way that could scare people with his death stares. He leaned closer to Mew's face.

"Does it felt good to you then...?" rasped Gulf while caressing the other person's cheekbone. It was just a question but to Mew, that was a threat. The deep tone that Gulf used was like a warning.

To be honest, Mew doesn't know how he should answer Gulf. The answers are simple, it's only yes or no but Mew stayed quiet. He was nervous of what will Gulf do. Mew could feel Gulf's warmth was fanning against his face, sending a wave of shiver throughout his body.

Gulf could see that his lover was holding his breath. He knew that Mew was scared of him. It doesn't show physically but it does shown in Mew's eyes.

Gulf slowly licked Mew's face from the cheek, up to the eye and brow. Mew was stunned. He was frozen underneath Gulf. He could feel his eyelid was wet.

"Don't be so scared of me... where is that cunning Mew that I know...?" whispered Gulf while nibbling Mew's ear before he licked it. Mew felt Gulf wasn't near him anymore, so he opened his eyes and immediately stunned at the view. Gulf's golden skin was glowing...

... and his eyes widened at what he saw.

Gulf stood in front of him. There was a very huge tent on Gulf's shorts. It was way too tight. It tightened more as his dick was twitching while looking at savory view of Mew. Mew's body was highlighted sexily with sweats.

"Why are you so sexy, Mew?" asked Gulf while licking his lips hungrily.

As if the question sounds so stupid, Mew just stayed quiet. Should he blames himself for being sexy? Hell no. Mew was driving Gulf crazier. Gulf could no longer pulled down his shorts properly as it was badly stretched by his strong dick.

As what it seems like his shorts was about to snap its threads, he just tore his shorts. Gulf ripped his last piece of string and threw it backward. Mew saw that massive dick was bouncing out into the air, swinging into every direction like a helicopter blade.

"G..Gulf.. you.. are so huge.." said Mew underneath his breath as he was nervous. He couldn't imagine if that thing enters into him and tore his body into two.

"Does it bigger than the one in your dream?" asked Gulf while stroking his dick, making it more harder and humongous.

Way too fucking big!

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