Chapter Six

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Playing Game

After the big fight that they had, Gulf barely talks to his housemate, and he's been avoiding Mew for some reason. It's not just hatred, of course, he still hates him but it has been awkward between them, especially Gulf because he went overboard during their fight. And now... he felt bad about it

Just say sorry, it's not that hard. Yes, it's not that hard to utter the apology word but he has the pride to keep it cool. Mew had been cool and chill but Gulf is the one who avoided him all the time.

They barely had any interaction and stay away from each other, staying in each other bedrooms all the time. During mealtimes such as lunch or dinner, Mew would eat instant noodle or just go to a nearby restaurant as he can't cook, whereas Gulf does not even want to use the kitchen, more like he does not want to share the same thing with Mew, so he just left the condo and went to nearby food stalls or restaurants.

Mark and Bam tried to bring those two together, at least a small talk or playing games like they always do with their best friends. However, things were not as easy as they seem, or as they planned. But at least, they tried.


A couple of days after the fight... Bam told Mark that they should start with something small or easy and simple. Mark walked into Bam's room and felt strange, a good strange. Bam saw Mark's eyeballs roaming every angle, looking at the branded erotic interior.

"What is it, Mark?" asked Bam

"Heh.. nothing, your bedroom feels.. sexy," said Mark while smirking.

"You are the second one who said that.. Kana said like that too," said Bam while rubbing his neck.

"It's nice though, sexy and comfy... I bet anyone would turn on and get aroused easily in your room, haha" teased Mark and did a cute small chuckled. Bam walked closer toward him and slung his forearm on Mark's shoulder while weirdly staring at the person.

"You said everyone easily gets aroused. So, are you horny right now?" teased Bam dirtily in his airy voice and narrowing his eyes while staring at Mark, making Mark shivered and blushed. This boy.. getting on my nerves

"Stop it Bam, I'm going to the living room. This bedroom is weird.." Mark walked to the living room and sat on the couch while doing what he best at- playing games. Bam smirked and followed him outside, humping himself on the couch, close next to Mark.

"Marky, why are running away from my bedroom, I thought you wanna talk about our plan over there. Are you really get horny? haha" teased Bam more. He saw Mark's ears still red even though he was focusing on playing Mobile Legend. I am horny? Nah... it's normal but not right now.

"If I am horny right now, you will greatly regret what I would do to you in your erotic fuckable bedroom..." said Mark seriously but slightly smirking. Bam was speechless, was holding his breath, was internally shook by what Mark said. Mark turned to look at Bam after that weird silence and was slightly distanced himself from him. 

Did I go too far? He giggled cutely...

"Hahaa, I am joking, boy. Come on, what is your plan? Before those two would do something worse" asked Mark while hooking back his eyes on the game. Bam came back to his sense. Damn, he could be this scary behind his cute bubbly personality...

"Hurm.. let's start with something easy... but what?" he asked, almost like asking himself and Mark was not responding at all. Bam was slightly distracted by Mark's who was too focused on playing his game. So, he elbowed Mark, and too bad, luck was not on him today, he died in the game... because of Bam.

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