Chapter Five

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In room number 7075. Gulf and Bam were in Bam's room. Gulf was quite fascinated by Bam's room decor. That boy got taste. From the floor to the ceiling, from the bed to the lighting, everything was perfectly chosen for a guy like him, a high-standard guy like Bam. On the back wall, there's a big closet for his clothes and of course, a model like him would have that many clothes. His room felt comfortable but erotically and romantically in a good way. This room

"Hurm.. nice" complimented Gulf in his cold tone while his eyes were roaming around the room. Gulf was a bit surprised.. even Bam kept a bottle of wine on his nightstand, with a tall wine glass... and that was kinda distracting to Gulf's eyes. He pointed to the wine bottle.

"You want some?" asked Bam, not sure if he really wants some because his cold expression is so confusing and intimidating. Gulf shook his head, telling him a no...

"No, I mean.. your bedroom is like in a movie"

"Really?" Bam was glad to hear that and smiling at that compliment. He always likes to be complimented but not long after Gulf...

"A bedroom for an erotic scene, or sex scene to be specific. Just these two things you left out, condom and lube. Then, your room is perfect for sex atmosphere" said Gulf teasingly with a little bit of sarcasm in his tone, but still expressionless. Bam's ears were reddened upon hearing what he said and frowned to Gulf.

"Kana, that's too much. I like erotic kind of feeling when I'm in my bedroom" uttered Bam while sipping his red wine.

"If Mark would enter into this room, I am not surprised if you two might get laid soon" teased Gulf more and smirked. For once, he smiled but more like a smirk, his lips curved more to one side. Bam gets shyer and shivered, thinking that he and Mark having sex. He wanna puke, this was too much too for his eardrums. 

Euw... I am gonna puke. That's not gonna happen. But, why I am so shy, urgh stop it Bam! He slapped both of his cheeks to cope with the overloading cringes.

"What happened to you, Bam. Did I hit your nerve?" he asked teasingly but he was joking a cold joke.

"Stop it, Kana. I had enough hearing it, I cannot-. By the way, what is your plan? Are you really gonna move into that place?" asked Bam in his disbelief tone.

"huh, I have no choice. I'm gonna move-in into that apartment. Also, I don't wanna lose anything from him. If he hates me living with him, then he's the one who needs to move out. That's it. By now, I think he's gone, so now I need your ass to help me carry my stuff" uttered Gulf. 

Gulf waited for his most hated person to left his condo so that he could move in with ease without bickering or fighting with Mew. Bam just could nod his head and sigh to his friend. Whatever you want, Kana.

Both of the buddies went downstairs to where Gulf left those men he hired to help him were exhausted waiting for him in the truck filled with stacks of boxes and bags. Those men whined internally.

Why do I need to work with a client like him 

He doesn't even smile 

If he's not gonna say sorry I-

Pity them, Gulf just gave them a cold face and ordered them to carry his stuff. Bam just shook his head as he saw those men's expressions. Bam apologized to them instead. Gulf just carried the smallest lightweight box, which making Bam more annoyed than he already was. This boy is really-

"Kana, could you carry another one. This is your stuff after all" Bam frowned. Gulf just went upstairs without answering his nosy buddy. He is so selfish after the big fight three years ago. They followed Gulf and put his stuff in the living room of 7077. It took them roughly 15 minutes to carry all of the things upstairs into Gulf's condo.

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