Chapter Fifteen

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The Kiss

Bam almost dropped his food as Mark stormed into 7075 out of sudden. Mark's expression was bright and bubbly. Sometimes, Mark could be very child-like. Bam was startled at the sudden appearance. He doesn't know that he captured someone's heart just by being silly and childish.

"Bammie Bammie Bammie!" called Mark excitedly while rushing toward Bam at the dining table. He quickly sat down beside Bam.

"What's with you, Mark? I almost dropped my chicken nugget!" whined Bam.

"M-Mew, he likes Gulf!" Mark said it out loud while panting. Bam was instantly jaw-dropped.

Bam was shocked just like Mark when he heard it from Mew. Bam suddenly stood and walked back and forth while shaking his hands as he doesn't know how to react to this shocking information. He faced Mark once again.

"Are you kidding me?" Bam asked for another confirmation.

"NO, IT'S REAL. Mew and I had a pretty long conversation just now" Mark told him some part of what Mew had told him earlier, how he likes Gulf since high school and other parts he can tell. Mark did not forget to keep Mew's privacy.

"Woah, I thought they were just stupid enemies. Mew is something else" said Bam.

"Mew asked me, what should he do to get him back and I told him that is something he should figure out. Should we help them?" asked Mark. The silence began as Bam was deep in his thought. After roughly 25 seconds, Bam tilted his head and facing Mark.

"I think... we should help them..." said Bam with a cunning smile. Something smells fishy right here. What about us?


"I will tell you soon. This time, we should take it extremely. One time only" said Bam cunningly.

"Damn Bam, I don't wanna be killed by Gulf" Mark shuddered at his own thought on how scary Gulf could be.

"But he will thank us. Hopefully.. and tell Mew, Gulf's birthday is around the corner, in case he doesn't remember but they were friends right?"

"He should... Funny how our mission is to make them get back together as friends. Now, we are the matchmaker... haha" They giggled. They decided to plan something for Mew and Gulf without telling the two of them. They wanted to take the risk, the risk of having Gulf to be the cause of their death, but who knows he will like it. Bam smirked evilly.




It was another day with a chain of academic online classes as physical classes weren't allowed during the lockdown period. Gulf was still battling with his online classes and tutorials whereas Mew had done with it half an hour ago.

Mew was still figuring out how he should tell and explain the matter between them to Gulf. He shut down his laptop and immediately hovered himself on the bed. Then, he slid his hand under his pillow to grab something that he hid underneath it. It was Gulf's sweatshirt that he gave Mew to wore when he was sick.

He sniffed the scent and caressed the soft texture of the clothes on his palms. He can't help but think about Gulf.

Should I take him out for a date?

No way, where else I can go during this lockdown...

There must be something he can do, he hasn't figured it out yet. Maybe, time will tell him, but he needs to do something. He thought that he will just follow the flow and take a look where it can lead him to that person's heart.

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