Chapter Twenty-three

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It was almost half an hour since Mew left 7077. It was odd as he said that he was getting some academic notes from Mark but he took way too long time for a small thing like this.

Gulf's ass didn't sit right on his chair.

"Where the fuck is he going? What takes him so long!?" whined Gulf.

"Shut up, Kana. He just left you for 30 minutes. Not 3 years..." taunted Bam

"I swear to God, Bam. If you bring it up once again, this chair will gracefully fly onto your head and I will make sure you will see Jesus" said Gulf in his fury tone and expression while he was already lifting up a chair beside him.

Bam was shook as he gulped and kept silence.

Suddenly, the door creaked and opened slowly. Mark was appearing behind the door with a sad and guilty hinted on his face. He quickly approached Bam and sat beside him.

Telenovela starts... Gulf smirked.

"Bammie baby... I am sorry.. don't be like this, please forgive me.." apologized Mark while he was holding one of Bam's delicate palm. But Bam was fast to slap Mark's hand away from him and just kept silence. Bam was closing his arms onto his chest and just stared coldly at Mark.

Pft... Bam so mean... thought Gulf while sipping his tea.

"Ba...Bambam... please forgive me.. I promised I won't be rude again.. I'm sorry..." Mark was looking like he wanted to cry as he held on tight to Bam's bicep. His voice was filled with sadness and his wet eyes were pleading for forgiveness.

Bam was soft-hearted at the view but he put a fake front. He just wanted to give the other person a lesson.

"So, your game or me?" asked Bam and Mark was confused at the double choices question. Mark just silently confused while frowning in sorrow.

"I guess you're still choosing game over me..." uttered Bam coldly while continuing his work.

"nooooo.. I choose you..." cried Mark and pouted.

"Your game rank or me?"


"Me or me?"

"You.. wait, WHAT?" Mark eyes were widened.

"So.. you're not mad?" asked Mark but Bam sudden pulled Mark's head and humped it onto his lap as he elbowed his head violently in mere anger.

"IF YOU DO THAT ONCE AGAIN, I WILL CHOKE YOU TILL DEATH. DO YOU LISTEN!? I. WILL. CHOKE. YOU." growled Bam while pushing Mark's face unintentionally onto his dick. As he was satisfied, he let Mark breathed.

"I..I.. promised I wouldn't do that but... you can choke me, daddy.." said Mark sexily while biting his lips and smiling cunningly. It was only a moment ago he wanted to cry and now he is being the horny one.

Bam blushed and his dick instantly twitched underneath his jeans upon hearing the word 'daddy'.

"Don't start now, Mark. I swear you will regret" warned Bam.

"choke me bam'daddy" Mark licked his lips.


"choke me harder daddy" Mark was biting his lips naughtily while grabbing Bam's growing dick. Bam let out a deep meditation sighed for an inner peace, dealing with his boyfriend.

Sure, don't regret...

"Urm... did you guys forget that I am still alive right here? Hello?" asked Gulf. Mark let out a soft chuckle.

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