Chapter Seventeen

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The 7075's kitchen is a whole mess.

"Mark.. Don't tell me you forgot to add the basil leaves into this..."

"I think I added it here, Mew. Maybe the leaves were turning brown"

"Oh my God! These are only pork meat. Add this basil leaves now. What's the point of cooking Crispy Fried Pork with Basil if the basil leaves didn't exist in this dish"

Mark scratched his nape and immediately added the leaves into the wok pan. After almost 3 hours of preparation, the last cook was finally done. Mew took a little amount of the pork and tasted it. He was frowning.

"Mo'rk! Oh God, the taste- What did you do to this food!!" he said while chewing it.

"What... is it that bad, Mew?"

"THIS IS BEYOND PERFECT!" Mew smiled cunningly while giving a chef kiss. Mark snapped and lifted up the pan only to hit Mew with it. He immediately ran away for his life.




"I don't understand why you ask me to wear this? I am not gonna celebrate my birthday anyway..." uttered Gulf. Bam chose a pair of simple outfits from Gulf's closet and pleaded Gulf to wear it.

"Come on, just wear it. Don't you like wearing an oversized sweatshirt?"

"But this one I would wear for outing.. not for indoor... Turn around, don't look at me. I'll change" Gulf just wore it. Then, he immediately sprawled on his bed and played his phone.

Bam discovered something different today. Gulf's tone changed. He talked normally rather than his usual cold remarks. He even spoke longer rather than giving short replies. And... his original voice was kinda cute.

"urm Kana, what's with your voice?"

"What? This is how I normally talk"

"Whoa no no. Your voice was cold and not pleasing" explained Bam. Gulf just kept quiet and meddling with his own world.

"So... how are you and Mew doing?" asked Bam out of sudden. Gulf was frozen for a moment. The name that he wanted to erase from his heart for 3 years but he no longer could do it. It stuck right in his heart.

"Are you okay with him?"

"It's... complicated" Gulf finally opened to Bam. At least, even it is only one word.

"I think it's you who made it complicated. I can only advise you of one thing. Don't get stuck in the past, Kana" said Bam. Gulf just coldly stared at Bam before he looked at his phone again.

Suddenly, Bam got a text from his housemate.


Bam: What the duck are you talking about?

Mark: QUACK!

Bam: Seriously, Mark?

Mark: for God's sake, pay attention to the quack!

Bam: what the quack?

Mark: It's our code. Don't you remember? The dinner is ready!

Bam: bitch, you can just text me in human words.

The dinner plan started now and he just needs to make Gulf drags his ass out of his room. Bam just knows how to do it. Bam immediately excused himself from Gulf.

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