Chapter Thirteen

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Not Now

"Oh my God!"

Gulf was shocked at the first thing he saw in that person's bedroom. Mew was in his yesterday's clothes and it was still drenching. They did not change his clothes. He was not lying properly and shivering cold as he was uncovered with nothing except for his wet clothes. God! He must be shivering cold

"This is what you call friends?" Gulf mumbled as they should at least change his clothes and not left him miserably like this. He looked like a mess. They didn't even close the door, how thoughtless..huh

He sighed and moved closer toward Mew. He pressed his palm onto Mew's forehead only to felt the person was burning with heat. His heart was aching immediately. Mew's face was paler than he should, his lips were purplish due to the extreme cold.

"For God's sake, you are sick!" he said silently. He is stronger than before now, so he carried Mew effortlessly and laid him down properly on his bed. Then, Gulf went out of the room and came back with a small bucket of water and a towel. He stared at the drenching person for a moment as he was hesitant whether he should change his clothes or not. But, he did it anyway.

He started with the t-shirts by unbuttoning every each of the buttons. Now, Mew's chest and abs were naked. Gulf was slightly blushing at the view, not like he had never seen the naked Mew, maybe it was a long time ago and now it felt different - the different feeling that Gulf could not express.

Why did my heart thumping harder...

Then, he unbuckled the belt and unzipped Mew's pants. He pulled down the pant slowly, trying not to wake up the person. Thanks to his skillful hands, he pulled down the pant swiftly. By now, Mew only has his underwear attached to him. Mew's body is still beautiful like he was years ago, except he's bulkier now. Hurm... nothing change, still beautiful

Fuck Gulf, focus! Gulf mentally snapped.

Gulf reached toward the last piece and pulled it down carefully. He was trying his best not to touch that person's bulge and once again, he could pull it in one go without disturbing that person's sleep. Now, the Greek God was completely naked. Gulf's eyes roamed and scanned everything...

Of course, he shaved it... he's a clean freak.

The heck I am thinking like this!

Gulf was blushing once again. With the heat was rising in his own body, Gulf calmly cleans Mew's body by using the towel. He gently wiped Mew's face, down to his neck, shoulders, and arms. Then, he gazed at Mew's chest as it rises and falls every time he breathes. He wiped those puffy pecs, down to his abs and stop at one part. Gulf was feeling insist. Should I clean this area... Fuck it, he's a man, I'm a man. Anyway, we have touched each other nakedly before..

He clears his throat before he continued.

Gulf calmly cleaned the handful crotch, from the ball to the rod. He did it very gently as if the thing he held was very delicate. Gulf did an impressive job as he calmly cleaned every part of Mew's body despite his burning heart. He even cleaned Mew's back and bums, or ass to be specific. He took care of him like a mom took care of her kid.

Next, Gulf randomly took an oversize sweatshirt and a jogger from his own bedroom for Mew so that he could easily dress him up. Also, he didn't forget about Mew's inner layer. He chose baggy or oversize clothes for Mew so that his skin can breathe but at the same time, covering him well. He even put on a pair of socks for Mew so that he feels warm and comfortable in his sleep.

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