Chapter Sixteen

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Missing Him

"Woah, this is crazy Bam!"

"Yeah, let's do this and die together," said Bam and they both burst into laughter. Bam must be out of his mind when he decided to tell Mark about his insane plan to get 7077's housemates to get back together again.

"Your room is perfect, Bam. The most perfect place" said Mark convincingly and Bam just nodded cunningly with a wicked smile.

Their main door suddenly banged opened and to their surprise, Mew was storming toward them in Mark's room with a stupid-looking smile on his face.

"MARKK!, help me!" cried Mew as he stumbled in front of Mark and Bam. He was curling on the floor while hugging his own stomach and which later looked like he was hugging his own body.

"Mew, are you okay? What happened?" asked Mark as he and Bam glanced at each others' eyes before looking at Mew.

"Mark, help me. I'M DYING!" groaned Mew

"WHAT! Are you okay!?" Mark suddenly jumped and knelt in front of Mew while Bam just stood there with an expression of shock.

"I'm DYING IN LOVE" uttered Mew loudly and cunningly with a very wide smile on his face, enough to annoy the other two. Mark pinched his nose and Mew flinched.

"Bitch shut up! You're making me worried for nothing" said Mark and Bam just shook his head left to right in frustration. Then, Mew sat on Mark's bed and he still had his fall-in-love expression on his face.

"Can you believe that he kissed me!?" uttered Mew. Mark and Bam had their eyes widened. It felt odd when Gulf actually kissed him first.

"Hold-hold on, he kissed you first?" asked Bam for further confirmation.

Mew just silenced when he saw Bam before he glanced at Mark. Mark told him that Bam knew about the two of them in 7077. Mew nodded and smiled like a fool once again. The feeling of falling in love has taken over Mew's body.

"He kissed me" mumbled Mew once again.

"You do not need to repeat it, sir" Mark was annoyed at his buddy, so he pinched Mew's abs. Mew flinched and winced.

"Auch! Mo'rk! That's hurt" cried Mew while rubbing his stomach. He frowned more when the pain was still there. He hugged his own tummy as he groaned in pain.

Just by a second ago, he was smiling like a fool, now he was wincing. His eyebrows almost met each other.

"Hey, don't exaggerate it, that was just a small touch," said Mark. Mew shook his head and showed the blue bruised on his abdomen. Mark and Bam were stunned. Did they involve in a fight again?

15 minutes ago...

Mew who was still lying on the floor while staring at the ceiling in Gulf's bedroom, was deep in his own thought.

He kissed me.

Does that mean he likes me?

He fuckin likes me.

I hope so

He was happy at the thought of their mutual feelings. Mew regained his strength and stood. He walked out of the room to find the other one. He knew Gulf was in the bathroom, so he stood in front of the bathroom door.

I'm gonna make you fall in love harder with me.

Gulf was still questioning his stupid self for kissing his former best friend. Now, he has to face the consequences. He knew the other one will not back off after what he did. He sighed and walked toward the bathroom door. He opened it and was shock only to see Mew who was grinning at him. They were few inches away from each other.

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